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Is it crazy to try a new curriculum just for the summer?

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So my plan is to school year-round, beginning our new year in September after Labor Day. This was the first year we attempted this plan and it worked great, except that we're WAY ahead of the plan and are set to finish up within the next 3 weeks. I was initially thinking of spending our extra time on extra subjects we didn't get to earlier, like more art appreciation, nature studies etc. While I'm fairly happy with our year, my children are begging for more projects/crafts etc. and a less workbook focused school. I'm torn between sticking with our current plan (Memoria Press) and adding more 'fun' on my own OR switching to MFW. I don't think I'll have the opportunity to go to convention and see MFW before buying, unless I run into it at a used sale. Since we have all this unexpected time now, would it be crazy to try MFW now and then if it's a bust we're not 'technically' behind? I feel like it just might be exactly what I'm looking for and this would be an opportunity to give it a shot without any risk, other than the financial.

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I think it's a great idea. We school year round too. I don't have a set Sept to Sept or anything like that. We started this "year" in July. We will probably be starting next "year" in June...though, we may take off June. I plan to basically school year round, but I don't want to end up too far "ahead" either. So, we will take summer breaks as needed for our schedule. We will probably also do an intense focus on any subject that fell by the wayside for a few weeks/month if we are way ahead. This year, we are planning to "catch up" on science quickly between programs.


I definitely see no reason to try MFW starting as soon as you are done and then ditch it in the fall if it isn't working for you. And, FWIW, we use MFW and love it. We can't wait to start Adventures. :D

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I say go for it! We did this very thing last summer. We've been using Sonlight for a few years and like it for the most part with some tweaks. I was looking into another program (PoE) that I thought might be easier to use, especially when adding in my youngest. I was able to get the first unit for free and use library books for the literature sections. We ended up back with SL, but I'm glad I tried something different. I gained more perspective on what does/ doesn't work for us, and my children appreciated trying something new (although they were certainly ready to go back to SL).


From that experience my biggest suggestion is to not sink too much money into your trial run. If I'm not mistaken, MFW has great resale potential so that should make it easier.

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