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Who likes diagnosing weird body changes?


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My ds woke up this morning with a very noticeable facial change. I would not call it a distortion but it's a definite change. His cheeks were full yesterday and flat today, from the eye socket down his face appears flat, it's more prominent on the left side of his than the right side. He does not have dark circle around his eyes, he's perfectly healthy. It's very strange to see such a sudden change pretty much over night. Any ideas?

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Could it be water weight loss? I notice that when I'm retaining more water, my cheeks are fuller. Significant water weight loss from one day to the next could cause this change. If his diet in the last day or so had a lot less salt, etc. than usual this could be the result.

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Bell's Palsy was my first reaction as well.



Oh my, I hope not. It does not look quite like the pictures. He has not had tingling sensation, pains, or numbness. I'll have him pay attention to any other changes the next few days.

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My dd had something like that when she was in K -- one side of her face seemed collapsed. It happened very suddenly during school one morning. I took her to pediatrician in the afternoon, followed by neurologist. Bell's Palsy and Lyme were mentioned as possibilities. It turned out to be neither. I am sorry I can't remember what it was (virus? tiredness?). In any case it was minor and disappeared in a day or two. But I was glad to have her checked out. Even though I can't remember the diagnosis (and haven't even thought of it since then), your post brought back memories of how incredibly worried I was at the time.

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How old is he? When my brother was a teen his face started changing dramatically, often overnight. Studies done since (measuring babies and kids several times a day for a looong time) have also shown that kids grow in spurts overnight (while they sleep). This is why your child might suddenly have outgrown the new sneakers you just bought him, and why kids are suddenly quite clumsy and start scuffing their feet a lot again -- they have to figure out how to make the newly larger body move. I think the facial changes are included in this. When my niece was 12 (and younger) she was teased for being "fat" because she had a round face (she was SOLID muscle, as I demonstrated to her on multiple occasions -- NO flab anywhere). Now she's 13, stunningly gorgeous, looks 16 at least, and NO ONE is teasing her about how she looks. The changes came fast and dramatic once they started.

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