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Hi everyone,


There seem to be a lot of us who like a good deal on quality, supportive shoes. I just received this link in my own email and wanted to share it with you--there seems to be a good selection of Chaco, Teva, Earth, etc. sandals at reasonable prices after the discount. Just wanted to share. (I don't receive any credit if you use the link. It just lets you have the extra 35% off the price shown.)


Oh--if you want to try some comfortable heels/wedges, I can personally recommend the Earthies shoes. I bought a pair last summer (wedges), and they were very different from other heels I've worn. Somehow, the footbed stops your foot from sliding forward, and your weight is evenly distributed despite the heel. If I hadn't broken my ankle this winter, I would be ordering more right now! Alas, it's flats for me.


Sierra Trading Post extra 35% link

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