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I did it for several years, grades 1-4, w/both of my kids. I used the pitchpipe and the flashcards and workbooks and created charts using their notes to make some of the singing patterns from the very brief teaching instructions. I liked the program as part of an overall music program.


It only covers singing in grades 1-3. I also included music appreciation and had to come up w/what songs to learn over the years (they suggest a hymn book. I used things like Wee Sings America, Bible, and Folk Songs and the What Your X Grader Needs to Know series..) I also added composer studies and piano lessons and recorder lessons over the years. But for what it covers, I think R&S was a good addition to our music studies.

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Thank you for sharing what you did. I would want to have composer studies and instrument lessons with time as well, just trying to figure out the framework of how we'll do it (since we've mostly just listened to Peter and the Wolf a million times this year ;), which, while awesome, isn't exactly the approach to music I had planned...).

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