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Origami anyone?

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I was curious if anyone's kids love origami? My ds11 is totally into it! I could have never imagined a kid enoying folding paper so much. If your child like Origami can you share what books, resources, etc... you use? ds11 devours all books he can get his hands on. In fact that's what he wants for his birthday - more books. :tongue_smilie:


Also if you can share one of you child's creations I would love to see it! Here is his latest Five Intersecting Tetrahedra:




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Super cool Derek! (edit: I was wondering where I got the "Super Cool" from, it just came into my head when I was writing, now I see it's straight from Lori D, plagerism much?)


My Ds11 loves oragami.

He really got into it by making Yoda when he read these books;

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda

Darth Paper Strikes Back: An Origami Yoda Book

The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee: An Origami Yoda Book


He is now is going through Star Wars Origami.


Because of his love for folding paper I also got him Patty Paper Geometry, he is half way through and starting to find it difficult. Might be good for origami loving kids at geometry stage math.



Thanks for the doco suggestion, off to have a look.

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That's wierd how they differ based on country. Can you get it via mail? If so it's well worth the wait.


The Star Wars and Yoda books look like a lot of fun. :D


We actually just got Patty Paper Geometry from a forum member here. She was very generous when I expressed interest and mailed me the books and paper at no cost. I was kinda shocked by her generosity. ;)

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That's wierd how they differ based on country. Can you get it via mail? If so it's well worth the wait.


The Star Wars and Yoda books look like a lot of fun. :D


We actually just got Patty Paper Geometry from a forum member here. She was very generous when I expressed interest and mailed me the books and paper at no cost. I was kinda shocked by her generosity. ;)



If there is a DVD I can order that from Amazon, I'll check it out, good idea!

Wow, some people are wonderful, aren't they? How lovely of that member. I hope your son enjoys Patty Paper, and learns some maths too;)

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Beautiful origami!


One of the favorites at our house is Jeremy Shafer. He's a fun and quirky guy who does some amusing origami. Not sure exactly why but the

was all the rage here for a while.


I'm also really impressed with Origami Salami. These kids are doing some really great stuff with origami and they've got a great Facebook feed too.

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Boo! :thumbdown:


So sorry about that! I searched some more and can't seem to find another option for viewing. :(


You are so good to search some more! I did too, but came up empty. There is a DVD available for purchase from Amazon, which I might get in my next Amazon order, it's a little pricy at $15 plus shipping, so I'll see.

Thanks anyway!

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IrishMum, it's a great documentary but I can't see myself buying the DVD if I can find a cheaper alternative (and save on shipping too).

I'll keep looking too to see if I can find it free for Australian audiences.

I did find an Arabic version on YouTube (not sure if it's the full version)...fully dubbed and without subtitles though.

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Fishpond sells it for $18+...will that save you shipping at least?




I have already ordered it from amazon. I was ordering some other DVDs recommended for astronomy, Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, so I threw it in too! Shipping isn't bad when it's multiple DVDs. One is $6 but each additional is $1 extra, so not bad at all! Free would be better, but that's the price I pay for living in beautiful Australia;)


Thanks for all your effort!

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