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Mentally exhausted teenager? UPDATE

Susan in TN

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Ds17 is chronically exhausted. Not sleepy or tired, per se - he feels he's getting enough sleep. It's been like this for at least a couple years. He says he just has no mental energy and it doesn't seem to matter if he's having a busy week or not. The problem is to the point that he says he finds it hard to accomplish the things he really wants to do.


His "growth spurt" stopped a couple years ago (he's been 6'2" since he was 16yo) - I'd always blamed it on that, but it's much worse now. He has a generally well balanced diet - protein, fruits, veggies, whole grains. He exercises regularly - biking, walking, hiking. I don't think it's depression, but maybe.


I'm just looking for some possible causes that sound plausible in his case. I know we need to get some blood work and maybe hormone tests done. (I hate our current family doctor so I need to find someone else pronto.)


If nothing else, I could use a cyber hug.



Test results came back today - everything was normal except for very low vit. D. So we're going to start on a D3 supplement and magnesium.

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Definitely get his D levels checked, and you might consider asking them to test for Lyme, too. For Lyme, they do an ELISA test first, then if that's positive make sure they do the IgG Western Blot, not the IgM (which only detects infections within the first month or so).


My DS never had a rash, and it took 2 years to get a correct diagnosis — including being told by the doc, on the basis of a negative IgM, that DS absolutely did not have Lyme. Once we finally got the IgG done, it was screamingly positive. He also had extremely low Vit D.


Mental exhaustion was one of his primary symptoms — and I kept chalking it up to puberty and a huge growth spurt, too. Now that he's on antibiotics & Vit D (10K/day), he's doing much better.



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My oldest went through this his last year of high school and into his first year of college. We went to the doctor,who via a blood test determined he had mono. We then went to our naturopathic doctor who helped him immensely by helping him build up his immune system again. It was great to get my old son back!

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Dh was going through mental fog in his late 20's/early 30's. His was partly low thyroid. It was quite low and the doc who found it in his bloodwork was shocked that no one had caught it earlier. That took several months to work through to find the right dosage. The other part of dh's fog lasted longer and he thinks it was his cholesterol meds. He said the meds always made him feel "off." Once he decided to quit them he started feeling more clarity, but it was several months before he really felt the fog lift.


I hope you're able to find out what's wrong and that your ds feels better soon. :grouphug:

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I'm taking notes here - thanks everyone! Ds also mentioned that he has very little sense of smell. He gets physically tired somewhat easily (despite the fact that he is very strong) unless he is outside and it's not too hot out.


I'm currently looking for a nearby general practitioner with the assumption that they will be willing/able to order a series of tests done. I have this fear that he will be like our last doctor who would just take a look at you and say, "oh no, you can't have anemia/hypothyroid/deficiency of ...." and not be willing to do tests.

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The sense of smell part is interesting. I've heard of people having chronic, unrecognized sinus infections. I wonder if that could do it??


I hope you find an answer. It's no fun when they're feeling bad and you don't know how to help.



This is along the same lines as my first thought. I thought of allergies. Fatigue can definitely be a symptom.

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