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A letter to my kids


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Dearest children,


Taking 45 minutes to complete 10 clock problems is a bit ridiculous, dear Abigail. Obviously staring out the window is more fun than finding what time it will be in 20 minutes. If you just DO THE MATH, you won't forget what you're doing in the middle because you took time to watch the wind in the trees.


Hearing the same four-word tune over an over again is driving me bonkers, sweet Emmett! And humming the same note for ten minutes isn't any better...


My Ellie, PUH-LEASE only draw on paper. You are a little old to draw on the walls. And yes, it's still wrong even if you CAN erase it.


And lastly, my funny little Hyrum, stop pooping! And stop putting your hands in it. If its "ew" and "mess" and "yuck," then stop doing it!


I hardly got any sleep last night. I'm 38 weeks pregnant with a baby who is measuring quite large. My blood sugar is off. I've changed 4 stinky diapers in the last 5 hours. The house feels trashed. I realize it's been so nice that you children have been spending all of your time outside, and now that it's chilly and windy you're stuck inside.


Please, please just watch some Wild Kratts so I can sit and rest my aching hips for five minutes and pee without the toddler trying to help me wipe.


With all my love,


Your exhausted mother


Nobody tells you about days like this!

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Can I add my letter for today?


Dear child,


I know you were excited about learning how to clean the bathroom, but when Momma says don't touch that cleaner she actually means it! Luckily, you hadn't sprayed it yet, but if you had we might of had an entirely different science class, instead of learning about how chemicals kill some germs we would have learned about how chemicals react with one another. BTW, thank you for doing such an amazing job with cleaning the bathroom, and um no, you can only use your special spray bottle with just vinegar in it for the next year or two. Momma can't handle you learning how to clean anything else for today. Go do your spelling.


Love, Momma

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