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Or anything else that was equally interesting? My daughter thinks I am funny because I put a banana in my purse before we left the house. I wanted to have a snack in case I get hungry while she is at work. I came over to the library (about a mile away from her work) rather than driving the 14 miles back home.


Am I the only one who does funny stuff like that?

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If I put a banana in my purse, I would either accidentally put something heavy on top of it, or I'd completely forget that it was in there for a day or so... :ack2:


I rarely bring much with me, but my dh rarely leaves the house without a bottle of water.

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I haven't, but we were at a restaurant once and MIL pulled a stick of butter out of her purse to use on the rolls. When we all looked shocked, she explained that they use some margarine type product at that particular place and she preferred butter, lol.


Oh, my mom also carries tea bags with her at all times. She's a little obsessed- with regular drinking tea, people. She's my mom, and I'm not going there with the board metaphor!

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Normal here, though I carry a tiny purse so it would actually be in my "day bag" along with a change of clothes for my 3-year-old.


My mom's best friend has sworn off carrying perishable food in her purse, though. She once left a tuna fish sandwich in her massive purse for a week! She didn't remember it until her bag was being inspected as she went into the courthouse for jury duty! She joked later that she was worried she'd be in trouble for bringing a biological weapon in.

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I haven't, but we were at a restaurant once and MIL pulled a stick of butter out of her purse to use on the rolls. When we all looked shocked, she explained that they use some margarine type product at that particular place and she preferred butter, lol.


Oh, my mom also carries tea bags with her at all times. She's a little obsessed- with regular drinking tea, people. She's my mom, and I'm not going there with the board metaphor!



My late FIL always had tea bags in his wallet.


I usually have a Luna bar in my purse.

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I don't think there's anything unusual about that. Now if you put an entire rotisserie chicken in your pursue I might find that a bit odd. :tongue_smilie:



This is what I thought. Lol the thread title made me think it would me something much more shocking. My DS is 4 though so having snacks on hand is an ingrained habit still.

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I have several fruit and nut bars (Lara bars and the like) in my cavernous purse at all times. For Friday's co op days, I usually put an apple, a banana and some clementines in my purse. One time a lady told me she was getting faint with low blood sugar, and I gave her two clementines. I also have a stash of snacks such as nut/fruit bars in my car. No one need go hungry in my presence. :D

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Seems normal to me. I've been known to reach into my coat pocket and find an egg in there! (We have chickens; sometimes I check for eggs on my way to do other things and forget I've slipped them in there :laugh: ).

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I usually wouldn't put fruit in my purse because it would get all bruised and probably cut up by the rest of the junk in there. I will carry a water bottle, granola bar, candy, bag of pretzels - things that wouldn't be mushable. Depending on how long I have to wait around, I usually have a book in their too and will hang out at a library, a Panera, or just in the car, reading.

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Well having three young kids I can't fit their snacks in my small bag...I have to take one designated for the purpose lol.


I do have a supply of matchbox cars and crayons in there though...for those unexpected waiting times or grouchy in the supermarket times


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That's pretty normal here, too. I frequently have some kind of small snack along. I used to carry a bit more variety when the kids were younger as I have one who needs to eat fairly often. I realized I may be overboard with the choices once when I asked my son, about 5yrs old at the time, if he wanted something. He said, "Do you have any pasta?" Even I hadn't gone that far!

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Well, in the name of making sure we can afford the extra dance classes my son begged for, we're making an effort not to buy snacks and meals while we're out running around town. And I almost always hang out in the car with the dog (or go for a walk with her), rather than drive the 20 miles back home while my kids are at their respective dance studios. So, lately we rarely leave the house without packing food for the journey.


My son and I each have our own small cooler/insulated lunchbox thing. Mine usually contains a diet soda for me, a (reusable) bottle of water for the dog, carrot sticks, home-assembled trail mix and some kind of treat for the dog. My son's usually has fruit, a protein bar, a thermos of soy milk and some kind of treat for him.


My daughter, though, usually just tosses a protein bar and a mini-box of raisins in her purse or backpack.


So, no, tucking a banana in one's purse doesn't sound at all odd to me!

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