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2 fold question Science and History


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I am almost finished with my first year of homeschooling! Yay!!!! Kindergarten is almost done! Since this was my first year I focused mostly on the main subjects and dabbled in social studies and didn't get to science! So I want to do those during the summer when there isn't the push of the main subjects! So my question is what is a good curriculum for science and history? I really want it to be hands on and fun but teaching her at the same times! I am not crazy about a unit that just focuses on one topic! I love the idea of thematic units but I don't want to just do astronomy all summer! Also it needs to be 100% biblically based! Since I am so new I have no idea of where to start! I do like the idea of the lessons being laid out so I can spend my time teaching instead of planning!! Any help would be appreciated!

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At that age, I use library books for science. When they're ready, I fill in with some young earth science resources (since I'm YE), like Apologia Elementary and some various books I've gotten from a local bookstore (not homeschool curriculum related). I have multiple Apologia books on the shelf, and my kids love them (I have to discuss with them the occasional pre-millenialist ideas in them that we disagree with, but they're otherwise good for us).


For history, I personally love SOTW. It's neutral on the age of the earth. It mentions some Bible stories, though you'll want to read them in your Bible and compare (my son and I had some great discussions). It does tell religious stories from other faiths, if that's a problem for you. My son enjoyed them, but he was also well grounded in HIS faith before we started. So again, we had good discussions.


Others you could look at are Sonlight, Heart of Dakota, My Father's World, Veritas Press, Memoria Press... Those are larger packages, but are Christian based. You'll have to look at each one to see what matches your beliefs best. There isn't a curriculum that matches my beliefs well, but I make due with ones that have more of the religious things in the teacher notes rather than the books, so I can present what we agree with and leave out the rest. :)

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If you really want a science curriculum for that age, Real Science Odyssey-Life would be a good fit.

History - I would get Beautiful Feet's Early American History books. I never used the guide, I just read the books. Homeschool in the Woods has some hands-on history projects for Early Am. history as well.

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