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Help me wean myself from coffee

Excelsior! Academy

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I used to drink 2 liters of Coke or Pepsi everyday, now I can't even drink 1 glassful. I don't like relying on caffiene and feel much better when I am off of it.


I drink 2-3 cups of coffee every day. Sometimes I don't even finish the cups.


I am thinking if I switch to a hot tea that has caffiene then alternate with tea without eventually I will wean myself off.


Has anyone done this?


Will it work?



(Insert whiny voice) *I don't want to quit cold turkey.*

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I have never found tea to have the same effect as coffee and always get headaches.


I have decided for myself that I see no compelling reason to quit coffee and will live with my two cups of coffee in the morning.

Not worth the (literal!) headache. (And taking headache meds that contain caffeine defeats the purpose)

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I had to go off coffee recently for medical reasons. I wasn't even drinking that much-- just 1 cup in the morning-- so I thought it would be fine to quit cold turkey. I was so wrong... I had one of the worst headaches of my life, to the point where DH was ready to take me to the hospital. UGH. So, obviously I recommend weaning off it, but your body chemistry might be different from mine. I now drink Teeccino and really like it; the Maya line is a lot like coffee, and I especially love the Maya Chocolate. :-D

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Teeccino is an herbal coffee with no caffeine. It's pricey though! Amazon has some good deals on it. I drink the Maya French Roast and yes, my favorite--the Maya Chocolate. :D Both have satisfied my need for a morning coffee fix-- YMMV. Good luck! :)


ETA: If you decided to try it, I suggest buying a small box of the teabags. That way if you don't like it, you haven't spent much on it. Then if you do like it you can by the large bags of ground teeccino (you brew it just like coffee).

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Teeccino is an herbal coffee with no caffeine. It's pricey though! Amazon has some good deals on it. I drink the Maya French Roast and yes, my favorite--the Maya Chocolate. :D Both have satisfied my need for a morning coffee fix-- YMMV. Good luck! :)


ETA: If you decided to try it, I suggest buying a small box of the teabags. That way if you don't like it, you haven't spent much on it. Then if you do like it you can by the large bags of ground teeccino (you brew it just like coffee).



Sounds great. Thank you.

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I quit caffeine cold turkey. Now I drink it only occasionally. It was two days of a splitting headache, but the funny thing is... the headache has kept me from going back to my old habits. I drink herbal tea mostly and decaf coffee only once in a while. I feel so much better. I sleep better at night and have more energy. It's worth it. I wish going off junk food was like that. The headache part. Might keep me on a diet.

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I went caffeine free a few months ago because I found a lump and my mammogram showed a bunch of cysts. Yikes!! I quit cold turkey and it was awful. But, to me nothing is as scary as that lump. I had headaches for a few weeks and I'm still kind of groggy without it. I even gave up chocolate. :scared:

Teechino makes it all tolerable and so does Rooibos Chai (the closest thing I could find to a black tea).


If I didn't have the health issue I'd have slowly weaned and enjoyed a once a week or bi-weekly cuppa something caffeinated.

Good luck!

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I gave up caffeine cold-turkey and had no headaches.


Dh tried four times to give up caffeine. His headaches were awful the first three times because he tried to go cold-turkey. The fourth time he very gradually decreased the amount of caffeine in the coffee.



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I went caffeine free a few months ago because I found a lump and my mammogram showed a bunch of cysts. Yikes!! I quit cold turkey and it was awful. But, to me nothing is as scary as that lump. I had headaches for a few weeks and I'm still kind of groggy without it. I even gave up chocolate. :scared:

Teechino makes it all tolerable and so does Rooibos Chai (the closest thing I could find to a black tea).


If I didn't have the health issue I'd have slowly weaned and enjoyed a once a week or bi-weekly cuppa something caffeinated.

Good luck!



Oh yikes, I just googled the two, caffeine and br@$&t lumps. I drink coffee, for the taste, because I really don't think caffeine keeps me awake. Or maybe my coffee from a French Press is not strong enough. Or the coffee I buy is inferior.


OP, I just bought a bag of cacao nibs without sugar. I wonder if you chew on these in the morning or maybe sprinkle them in your oats/yogurt that would give you a slight caffeine fix without the full blast of coffee.

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Oh yikes, I just googled the two, caffeine and br@$&t lumps. I drink coffee, for the taste, because I really don't think caffeine keeps me awake. Or maybe my coffee from a French Press is not strong enough. Or the coffee I buy is inferior.


OP, I just bought a bag of cacao nibs without sugar. I wonder if you chew on these in the morning or maybe sprinkle them in your oats/yogurt that would give you a slight caffeine fix without the full blast of coffee.



Ack! I googled too.



Thank you for the suggestion. I might try it.

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If I feel like my coffee consumption is getting out of control, I first force myself to drink one glass of water before each cup of coffee. That easily cuts my number of cups in half (from 3ish to 1.5ish, sometimes I just don't get around to finishing it like you mentioned.)

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I switched to strong lattes made with PGTips tea, and Celestial Seasonings or Stash chai when I want something with more flavor. Or sometimes Dynasty Jasmine Green Tea. I still have coffee maybe once per week. I'm not caffeine free but my consumption is way down. I sometimes drink non-caf chai or herbal teas too. My favorite is Republic of Tea Black Currant Cardamom Raw Green Bush Tea. It's fabulous. I think I enjoy my coffee more now, when I do drink it, because I only drink it when it is really exactly what I want instead of some of the other choices I've worked in.


Some afternoons when I just really, really want coffee for the kick, I talk myself out of it and enjoy a spicy chai instead and then I'm over it. Or sometimes I eat chocolate and that does the trick ;)

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I gave up coffee when I was pregnant with James and never went back. I couldn't stand the smell of it while I was pregnant which helped with the never drink it again thing. I used to drink two or three pepsi's a day but finally gave them up. Went cold turkey and took tylenol for 3 or 4 days until the withdrawal headache went away. I know drink earl gray or rooibos tea - two cups a day. Other than that - green tea or water. Not a lot of caffeine in any of them. It really doesn't work to try and cut down - Cold turkey is the only way. Switch to the tea and just don't look back.

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