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stages of life


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How does one deal with working full time outside the home homeschoolling one child who is 2e (highly gifted and add) a spouse who has epilepsy and CP and is no longer able to work and is now so depressed he is having trouble teaching and a parent who is fast declining with parkinson and ra and has demenitia. a father who is still working full time but is also failing in heathl. A father in law who is in a nursing home after many strokes and cant speak or move and a mother in law who believes her son could have done better and you should do more than you are because she did (she worked full time outside the home and hubby was raised by baby sitters per him) but kept a perfect house and her hubby never lifted a finger. My house isnt perfectly clean. My hubby takes care of the laundry and the dishes as it we have different views and well he believe it has to be... and I am more laid back and if they are done they are done I just dont care how they got that way. (I work nights and he was having some issues after having a personal injury she spent a few days over here saying I need to do more around the house. Hubby doesnt not think that way but I am still feeling less than.

The co op/homeschool group we were most active in appears to be imploding around us due to the grown up thinking there ways is the best way and not wanting to listen. So my close homeschool mom's have more/bigger issues going on around them


Thanks for the vent

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It helps to find something that is just for you. Even if it's getting up earlier than everyone else and working out in the dark. As long as you put the effort in to do your thing a few times a week things can look better because you are taking care of you. And you do need to realize you need to take care of you.



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Thank you for the hugs. Last night was tough the one healthy parent is no longer the healthy parent. (MIL is on a wait list for heart surgery) and I think my sleep deprived self just hit the ceiling of what I can handle. I help dad take care of mom and my younger brother. But I got some sleep and today is a new day. And hubby is taking MIL calls so I dont have to hear her today. Now off to conquer co-op drama

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