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China Adoption - we got our daughter today!


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Congratulations! We too have 3 boys and our youngest is a girl from China. We are the 2nd family in our church to have the 3 boys, China princess family makeup. The 3rd family with the same 3 boys, youngest daughter from China is waiting to travel to pick up their daughter. It's a wild trip - that's for sure. She looks happy.



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This may not be a nice thing to say, but: I am jealous.




I am also very happy for you--you guys look beautiful together!


How old is your daughter?


She turned 3 in january but she is delayed as we expected from being in an orphanage. She has low muscle tone for sure. She has good hand coordiation but she isn't talking at all. She most likely spent most of her day sitting in a crib. Her orphanage was a sad sad place. You can read about that on my blog, too. We've seen her crawl today and are hopeful that she will catch up especially when we get her home around our sons!

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We just finished our paperwork and bg checks, and are waiting to schedule the homestudy. We are so excited.

We've got two sons and are hoping for a girl from Holt's mild special needs program. It's fun to see other China families here!


Thanks for the link to your blog, too, I'm living on blog posts and updates from our agency.



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She turned 3 in january but she is delayed as we expected from being in an orphanage. She has low muscle tone for sure. She has good hand coordiation but she isn't talking at all. She most likely spent most of her day sitting in a crib. Her orphanage was a sad sad place. You can read about that on my blog, too. We've seen her crawl today and are hopeful that she will catch up especially when we get her home around our sons!




Hi -


We adopted our daughter from China at 13 months. At first, we thought she was really delayed too. She would just lay on her back and not do anything at first. She hardly made a sound the first 24 hours we had her. I was a bit terrified at first. After the first day, she bonded with me and only me. She would scream if I took a shower and if my husband or daughter tried to hold her. After having her a few days, we also noticed that she could move around a lot more than we thought. She had just sort of shut down due to the stress of everything.

She opened up more every day in China as we gradually got to know her. I am happy to say that now she is a beautiful three year old and she has caught up on the few delays that she had.



I wish you much joy and blessings on your new daughter!


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Congratulations. What a happy day!


I just had a chance to look at your pictures and your blog. Beautiful pictures. What a sweet little girl. Makes me want to go, too!




you should! There are many great agencies to choose to work with and millions of children who need a family!

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you should! There are many great agencies to choose to work with and millions of children who need a family!

Oh, I would love to. But, we just finalized the adoptions of numbers 4 & 5 and DH says we're through. He's right, of course. I'm kind of overwhelmed as it is. But then, I see posts like yours and I wish we could. Oh well, I'll just live vicariously ....

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It was heartbreaking reading your blog about the orphanage. Your little girl looks so different in the last pictures you took compared to three days ago! It was amazing to look at the pictures and see how comfortable she is with you guys. Good luck on your journey home.

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Congratulations! :grouphug:


My grandparents adopted internationally, so I have adopted uncles. My husband and I have been discussing adding to our family through adoption occasionally since we were married. We are talking about it again since I showed him your photos. Thank you for sharing your journey with other families.

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She turned 3 in january but she is delayed as we expected from being in an orphanage. She has low muscle tone for sure. She has good hand coordiation but she isn't talking at all. She most likely spent most of her day sitting in a crib. Her orphanage was a sad sad place. You can read about that on my blog, too. We've seen her crawl today and are hopeful that she will catch up especially when we get her home around our sons!


I loved seeing your pics and reading your blog--your daughter is beautiful. Of course every baby is different, YMMV, blah blah blah, but my Chinese daughter was 15 months old when we got her, and I had her in my pediatrician's office at 9 am on the day after we got home. I set it up from China because I was so worried about her. She also had low muscle tone (it was like holding a Muppet), she wouldn't bring her hands together in front of her, she sat unsteadily, wouldn't crawl, wouldn't put any weight on her legs. For the first week we had her, she had almost no facial expressions. It is a good thing I couldn't see her face when I was holding her, as she insisted on being chest to chest. When I look back at pictures that show her face, it is frightening how blank she looked. She did not crawl for weeks after we got her home, and did not walk until she was about 20 months old. As for catching up, she is about to turn 13 and is the reigning state champion in the 200 meter butterfly (you try that some time!) and in three other events--long, hard events. She has muscle tone you wouldn't believe; even most of the older boys on our swim team would kill for her muscles. Yes, there are residual issues, but those are just part of what makes her so awesomely unique, and by any definition, she has certainly "caught up."


I am not trying to brag--it isn't as if I had anything to do with her success. But I remember so vividly being in similar shoes (your daughter resembles mine, but maybe it is just the shaved head!) and just wanted to share our story.



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I loved seeing your pics and reading your blog--your daughter is beautiful. Of course every baby is different, YMMV, blah blah blah, but my Chinese daughter was 15 months old when we got her, and I had her in my pediatrician's office at 9 am on the day after we got home. I set it up from China because I was so worried about her. She also had low muscle tone (it was like holding a Muppet), she wouldn't bring her hands together in front of her, she sat unsteadily, wouldn't crawl, wouldn't put any weight on her legs. For the first week we had her, she had almost no facial expressions. It is a good thing I couldn't see her face when I was holding her, as she insisted on being chest to chest. When I look back at pictures that show her face, it is frightening how blank she looked. She did not crawl for weeks after we got her home, and did not walk until she was about 20 months old. As for catching up, she is about to turn 13 and is the reigning state champion in the 200 meter butterfly (you try that some time!) and in three other events--long, hard events. She has muscle tone you wouldn't believe; even most of the older boys on our swim team would kill for her muscles. Yes, there are residual issues, but those are just part of what makes her so awesomely unique, and by any definition, she has certainly "caught up."


I am not trying to brag--it isn't as if I had anything to do with her success. But I remember so vividly being in similar shoes (your daughter resembles mine, but maybe it is just the shaved head!) and just wanted to share our story.




Thank you for sharing. It is at times very scary to see where she is and know she is already 3. I know we have a long way to go but I know she has so much more potential with us than in an orphanage!

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