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Has anyone done this? Was it too much?


I had originally planned on using OM Biology, but after taking another look at Apologia and having ds compare it to a Science Explorer, because that's close enough to the Holt book- he liked the Apologia better. I really love OM in general, but I've been thinking, and dd (who used it) confirmed it, OM tries to cover 43 chapters in 36 weeks and that's a lot. We are secular homeschoolers, but I'm not opposed to the Apologia, I just need to have the human anatomy portion covered. I've heard some people do both books in a year, but I'd like other's opinions.


I am not sure if both can be covered in a year, though I suspect it can be done. Dd has been doing biology this year through co-op, and it hasn't been that taxing. I am planning to add the Human Anatomy course to her workload because it seems too light to be a full course.


Has anyone done this? Was it too much?


I had originally planned on using OM Biology, but after taking another look at Apologia and having ds compare it to a Science Explorer, because that's close enough to the Holt book- he liked the Apologia better. I really love OM in general, but I've been thinking, and dd (who used it) confirmed it, OM tries to cover 43 chapters in 36 weeks and that's a lot. We are secular homeschoolers, but I'm not opposed to the Apologia, I just need to have the human anatomy portion covered. I've heard some people do both books in a year, but I'd like other's opinions.



I haven't seen OM, but if this is for high school, and you're secular, I'd advise against Apologia. Modern Biology has become much more microbiology/biochemistry based, and there is very little covered on this in the Apologia texts, which spend a lot of time on classification. I had my brother (a biology teacher) look at the Apologia S&S, even including the "honors" human anatomy section, and he said it didn't cover huge portions of what his classes covered. Classification is only briefly touched upon to make room for the other topics.


My kids are taking honors Bio this year at ps, and they've covered biochemistry, cell biology, DNA, and genetics so far. They did cover human body systems, but only spent a week on it; more of an overview. No classification. I think ecology/environment will be covered later; they are each doing a year-long study/field journal of a site outdoors, taking measurements, making observations, noting trends. And that's not even getting into evolution, which is foundational to all these other topics (which is probably why Apologia avoids or only briefly touches on them).


We are just finishing Apologia Biology. We have done more then half of their chemistry too during the past year so it could be done imo but the pace is quick. We have actually been pretty slow about it.lol


Not weighing in on the secular vs Christian aspect. We are not planning on AP exams on these subjects and have been pleased. I will say one board member's ds did do both Apologia biology courses added some self study and did very well on the AP. So it can work.


Out here in order to get the highschool credit (and write the diploma exam) I would have to cover both at the same time as the bio text alone does not cover all that is needed to have bio 30. That said I am deferring bio to the kids 10th grade year and doing the A&P course and some environmental work, ellen mchenry's cells etc. If treated as 2 separate courses I don't see why they could not be studied at the same time. In high school in Alberta you take bio, chem and physics at the same time in grades 11 & 12, each is a 1 semester course. So you often had 2 different science strands going at once in the same term so it is totally possible to do that with bio and A&P


Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, I'm not any closer in coming to a decision.


I should've just left well enough alone and kept the Apologia on the shelf.

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