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I can't get to the group discussions right now, like all of you. I have notified John of the problem, but I think it's happening with all of the social groups.


Just wanted to say "hi!" and give you the update (or lack of update!) Still praying for our little group. :)

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How was everyone's Sunday? The lesson I taught (and prepared for) today was really good for me. Teaching is a good way to get me to really dig into the meat of God's word so that I can understand it and then communicate it. I would have enjoyed dh's sermon better if I didn't have to take care of some extraneous matters during the sermon. Sometimes being a pastor's wife can be hard because I can't just sit and tune everything else out. We don't often have other stuff come up but when it does, dh looks right at me to fix it!

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We have been sick since last Sunday. :( No church two Sundays in a row. I miss it! My poor little Rachel got sick on her 5th birthday! Oh Well.


I hope the groups are up soon. I have a hard time following really long threads like the last one. Praying for our little group.

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Hi everyone! I kind of wandered off after the last thread got too long for me to follow. Can't wait for the groups to be fixed.


I have a prayer request please. My eldest daughter is pregnant. She is currently living with her very controlling and very jealous boyfriend. They are planning to get married. While a baby is never a mistake, I think marriage at this time would be a terrible decision. Please pray for....not sure.....the guy to change, for her to see him for who he is, for them both to come to know Christ.



Dawn, I'm so sorry for your friend. I will pray for them.

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Dawn ~ I just read the blog you linked. It is so sad. I will be praying for them


Mom-2-7 ~ I will be praying for your daughter. That is a such a hard situation.


Jenn ~ I will be praying.



We didn't make it to church service on Sunday. Our youngest was sick with a bad cough. He has been on the mend. Tonight is the first night he hasn't needed his nebulizer for a while which is a good sign.

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Oh Dawn, my heart is broken for little Hannah's family. We know a family that lost their 8 year old son to an aggressive brain tumor. I am so thankful they still have two boys here on Earth to keep them going. Such heartache. I will be praying for Hannah's family.


Mom 2-7, I am already praying for your daughter. What an awful situation. Prayers are going up for you too, Momma!


Jenn, I am praying for your dd as well. Praying for it to be benign and not something serious. Praying for you too.


Gosh, lots of trials right now. I will be praying for all of us.

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Hello ladies,

I don't think I've ever posted in the this group but I have a situation that I need help and advice with from a Christian perspective. I have an friend who loves our family. She is easily offended and lately decided she isn't coming to church anymore because someone didn't invite her to their wedding and lots of other church friends were invited, but not everyone. She said this has happened often enough. I really encouraged her to find fellowship because I am concerned for her spiritually. Her dh is a very bitter trucker and she has her plate full in relating to him, I'm afraid for her spiritually. I really love her as a friend but her negative attitude towrd people in our fellowship wears on me. Should I continue to invite her to my house when I have others from the church over? I have already pointed out to her that she needs to continue doing the right thing in spite of what others do. She doesn't have many close christian friends.

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We don't have to know the answers, because the Answer has made Himself known. We can live in the stillness of His Peace, and in His Goodness, even when the world is falling apart, even when we are so aware of the wretchednesses of this world.

Just remain beside the hurting ones, and lift them to the Lord.


Hugs to all who are dealing with tough things.

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We don't have to know the answers, because the Answer has made Himself known. We can live in the stillness of His Peace, and in His Goodness, even when the world is falling apart, even when we are so aware of the wretchednesses of this world.

Just remain beside the hurting ones, and lift them to the Lord.


Hugs to all who are dealing with tough things.


That is beautiful! Thank you. I really didn't expect a pat answer because it's a rather complicated situation, but I think God has given me an answer, he has me in the middle of this so I can pray.


I feel so helpless because she is seperating herself from the very things that will keep bringing her answers, light and hope to her very hard life. I did send her a card last week. I don't really have any fuctions to take her to, that would be fitting. Most of my life is homeschool group and church group. She is older them my mom, we call her our local grandma.

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I love Holy Week, and Palm Sunday is a great way to start it. We actually start outside and process in. Starts out joyful, but almost immediately turns, as our readings are a re-enactment of the Passion. This year it was from Luke. Dh reads the Jesus parts, and others in the congregation read parts, too--and the rest of us join in as the crowd. There is something deep and fearfully profound about shouting (well, saying loudly) "Crucify Him!"

Some shy away from it, as it feels like denying the Lord or something--but I think it's important to own it, as even all of us are responsible for Jesus' crucifixion.


Do any of you celebrate Holy Week? I know there's a thread on it on the main Chat board--I posted something there about the rest of our week.

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I know you all have been praying and some of you will be, for Hannah. The MRI went smoothly and before I even managed to make it home I had a diagnosis.


Hannah has a rare benign tumor in the fibula of her left leg called and osteo osteoma. It is a huge praise that it was very visible. These are often very very hard to find. Hannah's was very visible.


We had our follow up appointment with a orthopedic Dr. this afternoon. I was very encouraged that even though he did not know we were coming until about 11:30 this morning he took the time to research and was well versed by the time we came in at 4:10. As I said these are rare and I could see the curiosity in the Dr. and I find it comforting since that means we will probably get well researched care. :)


He has recommended we see a pediatric bone tumor specialist at Kaiser in Oakland and has sent the referral. These tumors can clear up on their own but the patient would have to deal with pain management for 3-5 years. They are concerned that surgery could damage a nerve that would cause Hannah to not be able to tell her ankle to lift her foot. There are asprin therapies but they are usually used as a diagnostic tool because osteo osteomas are had to find. I.E. if the pain responds they know to keep looking. So we are not sure that the tumor would respond.


So the prayer requests right now are for a clear direction for the treatment. Also seeing the tumor on the MRI image really made this all hit home for Hannah. She is a trooper and handled everything with grace and self control but she is scared.


As am I but the Lord gave me some Scripture that had given me much comfort. In Acts 27- Paul speaks of the reassurance that God sent in the form of angels that told him no life would be lost. Now I do not claim that angels have told me that but in the following chapters Paul trusted God and through the darkest of times, shipwrecks and snakebites, Paul never stopped believing that God was in control and would do what He promised. And that is what I cling to.


I am so grateful for your continued prayers

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Jenn - so happy your daughter's tumor is benign! That's wonderful!! We will keep her in our prayers.


They still have not fixed the social group discussions - I'm kind of surprised! How is everyone doing? Jean, how is your dad? Chris- I love the reenactment of Passion Week idea - I wish I had been doing that all of these years with my kiddos!


Heard "Redeemed" by Big Daddy Weave on the radio. What a great song - blesses me every time I hear it!


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Just popping in to say Hello.


Hope your days are going well.


Sent off Easter candy to the 2 big boys--dd made them cards (so cute!) and I boxed up two dollar store plastic baskets with a little Easter grass (so they can experience the joy of finding it EVERY.WHERE....lol!) and some yummies.


A praise--both are sending gifts for dd's and dh's b-days next week. Not that gifts are a big deal, it just means the relationship between middle son and his dad is healing. Good thing.


Hugs to all!

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I don't frequent this particular group too much, because I'd rather not face what is deepest in my heart. However, if you could be praying for my husband and his continued healing -- of body, mind, and spirit, I'd appreciate it so much. Thank you!

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Sent off Easter candy to the 2 big boys--dd made them cards (so cute!) and I boxed up two dollar store plastic baskets with a little Easter grass (so they can experience the joy of finding it EVERY.WHERE....lol!) and some yummies.



We sent Easter boxes to my college guys - and felt the need to put Easter grass in too! It's nice to know we're not alone in our fetish...


jjhat - praying for your hubby... :grouphug:

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Today, Hannah had an allergic reaction to the ibuprofen that she had been taking. Sigh. Tylonol it is then. It is not as effective. They have given her Vicodin but we are trying to keep that to night time.


Jean, I am glad to hear that your dad had his chemo!


jjhat, praying for you and your hubby.


Chris, Hurray for Easter baskets and mending relationships!

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Hi, everyone! I haven't been on the board very often since it changed to the new forums. I recently found this group! We are getting geared up to begin High School next year, so I am beginning to frequent the board again. Just wanted to say hello! Lots of wonderful, good things are going on in my life, and some scary stuff too. My dad is really ill and not expected to live much longer. We have been told he has about 30 days left. He is suffering greatly with cancer and is now on hospice. As the Lord brings him to your mind, please pray for his comfort and my mom's strength and peace. God bless all of you. I will be taking your needs to our Father.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, yeah, I couldn't find the group either!


We are doing well. Older two are off at camp this weekend so we need to go and pick them up in a bit after church.


Oldest is 15 and I let him call himself 9th grade this year against my better judgement. He has some LDs and struggles a great deal.


I am thinking of doing a "do over" year, counting some of what he has done this year and then giving him 4 more years. That may include some Comm. College classes down the line, but not for at least 2 more years.


We have struggled because there is a mom is our circle of friends who has a son the same age and she is a Tiger mom and very proud of it, to the point of really putting others down who don't do enough in her eyes. Unfortunately, that son is also good friends with my son. Not unfortunately because I don't like him, I do, he is a great kid, but because my son feels the pressure that should NOT be there......this is why we homeschool! But Tiger mom wants our group to implement a graduation ceremony, etc......


I am praying for more wisdom, but it is stressing me out.



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Welcome Donna & Dawn! Glad you both found us and will be praying for your Dad, Donna :grouphug: , as well as wisdom for your situation Dawn.


Jenn, I hope Hannah is feeling better and that the Tylenol helps.


Jean, I hope your Dad is still doing ok (effects-wise) from the Chemo. I also hope the Chemo is doing its job, of course.


Take care everyone.


I woke up with a strong headache this morning, so got all ready for church, but then stayed home in a rather "not-so-great" mood. Now the meds have worked against the headache and I'm feeling a bit guilty about skipping church. (sigh)

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