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S/O how old were you...


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Mom: 22

Me: 29


MIL: 32

DH: 29


My mom was 51 when Asher, the first grandchild, was born. She is 57 now and 8 grandchildren. If Asher is 30 when he has his first child, I will be 59 when I become a grandmother. I really don't consider that to be that old. My kids' great grandparents are all in their mid-80's and are still a very active part of my kids' lives. My grandmother keeps my cousin's kids at least once a week, and they are 1 and almost 6.

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Thinking about Remundamon post about Gparent age and it is somethng I've worried about occasionaly.

So how old was your Mother when she had you and how old were you with your first child?





Dh mom-19



Both were early 50's even though dh and I are 4 yrs apart and our Mothers had us at different ages.


I hope dd is married at 25 and pg, but she wants to be a Dr. or scientist...

I will be 58 when ds is 25 and when dd2 is 25 I'll be 60 and when dd3 is 25, 65. So in reality most of my grandchildren will arrive in my late 50's early 60's.


My mom was 21. I had dd1 just after my 19th birthday.


DH's mom was 32. DH was 24 when dd1 was born.


I'm 28 right now, so when my first turns 25 I will be 44 and when my fourth turns 25 I'll be 53. I hope to have grandchildren in my forties and fifties.

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My Mom was 30 when she had me, I was the first

I was 27 when I had my first


MIL had Dh, her first, at 19

Dh was 30 for our first.


I'm 34 now and we're not done having kids. I don't feel old and I don't worry about missing out on Grandkids. Women in my family live well into their 80-90s.

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My mom had me (oldest) at 26. I had dd at 31.


But, there are no guarantees. Mom died when she was just 43.


ETA: My youngest sister had her first baby at 20, so my mom would have been 53 had she became a grandmother.

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mom/me 28 ( she was 23 when she had her first)

me/1dd 20

1dd/? over 30 (2dd/? over 28)


eta: my df died when he was 45, and fil died before he was 50. my kids had no grandfathers, and even though they had grandmothers, they weren't especially close to them.

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Thinking about Remundamon post about Gparent age and it is somethng I've worried about occasionaly.

So how old was your Mother when she had you and how old were you with your first child?





Dh mom-19



Both were early 50's even though dh and I are 4 yrs apart and our Mothers had us at different ages.


I hope dd is married at 25 and pg, but she wants to be a Dr. or scientist...

I will be 58 when ds is 25 and when dd2 is 25 I'll be 60 and when dd3 is 25, 65. So in reality most of my grandchildren will arrive in my late 50's early 60's.



My mother was 15 when I was born.

I was 24 when my first child was born.


My mil was 30 when she had Mr. Ellie.

Mr. Ellie was 26 when our first child was born.


Now, I could have been a young grandmother, but my dd was over 30 when her first child was born (and he is likely to be the only one).

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My mom was late 20s when I was born, I was early 20s when my first child was born.


My MIL was mid 20s when she had my husband and he was 29 when our first was born. But, she passed away from cancer when my husband was a teenager. He is the only one of her three children to have children.


I wonder about grandkids. I wonder if they will even have children before their 30s. I would love for them to be married to good men in their 20s and having kids but obviously that will be up to them and fate/ god. :001_smile: Will there even be any men left looking to get married?

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Mom = 18


MIL = 18


Me = 20

DH = 21


Both sides of our family had grandkid's in their 40's. However, my grandparents were 50 when they had my Mom; so when I was born; My grandmother was in here 80's. My grandfather's on both sides passed away before I was born. I am so thankful my children will have longer with their grandparents.

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My dh was an only child. His mom was 19yo when she had him and her mom was 19yo when she had her.


My mom was 22yo when she had her 1st, 25yo when she had her 2nd, and 35yo when she had me.


My mom was just 3 years younger than my dh's grandmother.


I was 25yo for my 1st, 2 days shy of 28yo for my 2nd, and 30yo for my 3rd.

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maternal grandmother: 30...first grandchild at 53 or 54

mom: barely 21...first grandchild at 46 or 47 (and I was told she was too young to be a grandma)

me: 26


maternal grandmother: 19 or so...first grandchild at 42

mom: 20 or so...first grandchild at 47

father: 23...first grandchild at 50

dh: 24

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My mom was 36 when she had me.


I was 36 when I had my ds.


Obviously, I'll support my ds's decisions no matter what they are, but I hope he waits until he's in his 30's to have kids, so he will have a chance to finish his education, begin to establish himself in a career, travel, and have fun doing all of the "young, single" stuff -- either with or without a significant other. I also hope he's married for a while before he has kids, so he can be sure the relationship is going to work out before adding a baby to the mix.

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My mom was 24 when her first was born (31when I was born). My dad was 25 when my brother was born (33 when I was). I was 21 when my first was born (30 when my last was). My husband was 24 (first, 32 last). Even though I am almost 8 years younger than my brother, our oldests are 9 months apart. My mom became a grandmother at 52.

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Mom - 21 when she had me, and I'm the oldest. She was 26 when she had my brother and only sibling.

Me - 41 - We had long since given up trying so it was a total (and totally wonderful) surprise. I guess I had one good egg left. :)


Dh's mom - I don't know, but probably in her late 20's to almost 30. I think she got married around 17 and I'm not sure how long they were married before she had her first. Dh is the 3rd of 4; his oldest brother is 8 years older and his baby sister is 8 years younger.

Dh - 27 when his first son was born, 43 when our son was born.


Thanks to dss we do have a grandchild (he and his wife were both 35 when the baby was born). I have no idea how old we'll be if/when ds becomes a father.

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My Mom was 19 when she had me, 16 when she had her first (married at 15!! - they celebrated their 40th this past December), and done at 24.


I was 26 when I had my first, and 29 with my last.


My parents became grandparents at 42/47 years old. Grandchildren age range is 7-13 years old. At this point in time my sister does not yet have any children.

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My mom was 24 when she had me (her youngest), and I was 29 when I had my son. My dh's mom was about 34 when he was born (he's the child of a second marriage for both parents), and dh was 33 when ds was born.


My mom became a grandmother at the age of 49, when my brother married my SIL and adopted her son. At 69, she became a great-grandmother.


If my ds marries and has kids, I'll be in my 50s at least.


Now I feel too old. Time to go to the gym!

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My mom was 18 when she had me, her first. I was 34 when I had my first. Luckily for mom, my younger sister had her first 2 years before I did. She'd been waiting a long time. :)


So I'm 55 but luckily I have a 12 yr old to keep me going until grandkids arrive!

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Hmm, I thought I posted but I must have screwed up.


My mom was 19 with her 1st child, 22 when I was born. (Her mom was 40 when I was born, lucky her. My other grandma was about 60.)


I was 40 when both of my kids were born. :)

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Mom - 20, Me - 23


Dh's mom - 23, his dad was 25, and Dh - 27


Though I can't make any hard and fast predictions, with dd and her soon to be husband, she'll be 22 when she gets married, he will be 26. Since he is just getting started in his carrer and she wants to finish her nursing degree (having switched over from a pre-med/chemistry major), my best guess is she'll be 25-27 or so and he'll be 29-31.


The previous generation on my side - both grandmother's were married at 16 and had their first at 17. On dh's side, paternal grandmother was 21, and maternal grandmother was 24...marrying a little later was the norm for the most part on his side of the family. On my side, graduating from high school EARLY (my grandmother that was 16 had her diploma) and marrying immediately was the given.



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My husband is 10 years older than I am. My mom had her first at 17 and her last at 37. I have my first at 19 and my last at 39. Hubby and I have children from 34 down to 4.


Thirteen Grandchildren from 17 to 1. It is harder to be a grandparent and a parent of little ones still. My mom was 46 when my first was born ( I had her first grandbaby too. ) and had passed when my youngest was born.


I was 39 when I became a grandma ( by one of the children I gave birth to ),


I missed being pregnant with my daughter by just 3 weeks. Was pregnant with one step daughter twice, and another once.


It is nice when we all get together, but all the grandbabies live out of town. So I rarely get them without everyone coming down.

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Mom: 41

Me: 20



Husband: 20


My mother is 20+ years older than my MIL, but she is the active Grandma in my kid's life. She was 67 when my almost 9yo was born and still takes him at least once or twice a week. I hope that's encouraging to people who might be worrying about how old they'll me when they have grandchildren.

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My mother was almost 27 when I was born. I was the youngest of 4. She was almost 22 when she had my sister.


I was 24 when I had my only daughter. She is 24 now and doesn't even have a boyfriend yet, so ... that's ok though.

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My mother had me when she was 24. I'm an only child.


I had my daughter at 30 and my son at 33.


I was doing this math several months ago, realizing how much older I am than my own mother was when I moved out of her house. I honestly don't feel as old now, though, than I remember her seeming then. So, even though I suspect my own kids will wait a good, long while to reproduce, I have reasonably rational hopes of being around and in good enough shape to enjoy my grandkids for a decent length of time.

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I was 21. My mom 22. My dad had just turned 21. His mom had just turned 18 and his dad was 19. My grandparents were 60 and 61 when they became great grandparents. My mom turned 44 the week before she became a grandma. My dad was 42.


DH turned 22 a week before our first was born. MIL was 22.

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My mom was 19 with her first, 22 with me.

I was 22 when I had my first (on the tail end of 22), 23 with my second, 24 with my third, and 26 with my fourth.



DH was newly 25 when our first was born, almost 26 for our second, 27 for our third, and almost 29 with our fourth.

DH's mom lost her first at 20, had her first surviving at 24, second at 28, and DH was at 32.

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Mom: 19, I'm the oldest

Me: 2 weeks shy of 27


MIL: 29, he's the oldest

DH: almost 28


When we first got married (24 & 25) I did the math several times a year figuring out how old I'd be when my oldest turned 18 and how old I'd be when I could reasonably expect grand kids if we started trying *now*. It totally stressed me out! I wanted to start long before we did.

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Mom was 30 when she had me. I was 25 with my oldest. Dh's mom was 27 when she had him. He was 30 with our oldest. My dd just got engaged (she'll turn 20 in a week), so I'm guessing they'll have their first within 3-4 years, so I'll be about 51 with my first grandchild.

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My mom had me at 22, I had my oldest just a few days after my 19th birthday.


As much as the idea of grandchildren in a few years excites me. I do hope my children get married and have a few years before kids come along. Right now I am more excited about my great niece arriving this summer.

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