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MFW Student Sheets


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Are they--specifically the ones from the middle ages--very MFW specific? Or could they be used with another curriculum? In fact, I already have access to many of the books from that year. So if I don't actually use a MFW guide, would the sheets still make sense?

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When we did Adventures, many of the pages were notebooking pages with a picture on top, say of George Washington, and place on bottom to write. There were some to draw and write. Then there were many with maps and state information.


The nice part of the guide to me is having it planned out and coordinated. Also, the booklist in the back was very helpful. I'd almost rather have the guide than the student pages. When it says do page on the Civil War, for example, you could just have them draw and narrate.


Now, I have only done K and Adventures, so the higher levels maybe different.

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