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Smiles Change Lives?


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YES! My dd got her braces last summer thanks to Smiles Change Lives, and she is one happy, happy girl! :hurray: Now granted, we did have to wait for almost two years from the time we made application until we finally got the letter saying to call Dr. H for our appointment (they assign your orthodontist to you because he has to have agreed to be a program participant), but once we finally got that letter, things moved quickly.


There has to be legitimate need... you have to provide proof of income and all that. My dd also had to write a letter stating why she wanted them so badly. (She has to agree to follow all the orthodontist's instruction and be a "good patient", or they'll kick you out of the program. So her awareness and cooperation is important.) Your regular dentist has to complete a form verifying the child's need for braces and giving his recommendation. Once SCL receives all the documentation, they will write back and let you know approximately how long the wait list is in your area. Initially they told us "up to a year", but there were delays and it was more like a year and 9 months. We did stay in touch with them during that waiting period, though. If you move or change your phone # or anything like that, you have to let them know. They do respond to emails. (At least ours did... not sure where you're located or how things might vary from office to office.)


Anyway, once we got the letter saying it was our turn, we had to verify that we *still* had need after all that time. We did (dh had just lost his job when we first applied, and though he was working again, he was underpaid and we hadn't recovered yet from his job loss), so we were given an initial appointment with the orthodontist. This first appointment was just to get an official evaluation done... he wasn't necessarily "our" orthodontist, but they said we might get assigned to him. We LOVED him, and it turned out we were fortunate to get him. The day dd got her braces on, she was one very happy, excited, thankful girl! :) I think it's probably safe to say that she *appreciates* her braces more than most of her friends (whose parents make a LOT of money), because she's aware of our financial circumstances and had to wait so long to get them. She still wouldn't have them if it weren't for SCL, and she's 17-1/2 now.


SCL is completed funded by donations. It is completely 100% legit, and is NOT a government program, so no taxpayers have to be alarmed that they might be paying for my dd's braces. ;)


Like I said, the initial waiting period was long (so apply now!), but once we got the letter saying it was our turn, things moved quickly. :)

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