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Happy Pi Day!


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OK! OK! I'll make a stupid pie!!!


If not for this forum, I would never have even heard of Pi Day, but every year, somebody remembers and posts about it, and I feel as dopey and clueless as I ever did, because I never, ever, ever remember it, nor do I ever even think of it before it gets posted.


At least I'll get a nice pie out of the whole thing.

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We're going to try and remember to give pi its official shout out at 1:59! (3.14159)


Awesome! We are going to do this, as well. Dds have both memorized the first 20 decimal places of pi and we will have pizza "pi" for dinner, with apple "pi" for dessert.


As an aside, it's also Albert Einstein's birthday. Happy b-day, Einstein!

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We had Key Lime Pi(e) and it was delicious! Somehow Indy has never had key lime before (what kind of parent am I????) and he nearly flipped out when he tried it. Oh, and he insisted we do "Pi Cheers" before we ate, so we each got a piece of pie on our forks, clinked them together and said "3.14159." We're such dorks. We have a darn good time though. :001_tt2:

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We're making chicken pot pie for dinner, and the pumpkin pie for dessert is already baking.


We played with geoboards today, showing how our straight-sided shapes approximated a circle.


We talked about Archimedes (already familiar from LOF) and how he is remembered 2000 years later because of his many important contributions to math. DS doesn't understand the concept of 2000 years ago and thinks Archimedes is friends with Grandad because Grandad is a mathematician too. (LOF question: "Name a famous mathematician who lived 2000 years ago." DS' answer: "Grandad!!" Grandad didn't think it was as cute as I did...)

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We talked about Archimedes (already familiar from LOF) and how he is remembered 2000 years later because of his many important contributions to math. DS doesn't understand the concept of 2000 years ago and thinks Archimedes is friends with Grandad because Grandad is a mathematician too. (LOF question: "Name a famous mathematician who lived 2000 years ago." DS' answer: "Grandad!!" Grandad didn't think it was as cute as I did...)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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