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I think I have decided to try Math Mammoth...but still have a question...


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If you use MM...when you bought the downloads (assuming you did)....did you buy the grade level ones, or the topic level ones...or both..


and, what about the other books...the gold series and the green series, the real life books...how much help are those, really?


My kids are 8, 11 and 12....I think I am going to have to redo 3rd grade math with my youngest, and 5th grade math with my 2 older kids...maybe not everything...but much of it.


anything else I should think about before biting the bullet and buying these??





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I bought the grade-level ones (the light blue series) because they are considered the complete curriculum for each grade level. That way I don't have to worry that I'm missing anything. I don't know much about the other options or how much help they are.

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In your situation, it sounds like the light blue series is the way to go. All the material in the gold, green, and dark blue are also found in the light blue (well, except the 7th grade/algebra stuff, but everything for your dc's age levels). The light blue are a complete curriculum for that age level.

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If you want to use it as a full year curriculum, then buy the light blue series. It will cover many topics throughout the year including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, etc...


If you just need help with a certain area, for instance one of your kids is weak in multiplication then you would buy the dark blue books that would focus just on multiplication.


I believe either the green or gold edition is meant for teachers or tutors who don't need the teaching on the page b/c they teach it themselves.


I bought the entire light blue series a couple years ago and have a handful of the dark blue ones as needed to shore up a weak area.

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I would do the light blue. It's very easy to skip lessons they already are proficient on. Both of my kids just moved onto the next grade level last month and I actually looked ahead at the pages and didn't print the pages I knew would be redundant busy work for them. So if your son is doing fractions already, just skip through that chapter, or just do a few problems to ensure he remembers how to do it and move on! It took me a bit of getting used to actually letting the, leave problems (or pages!) blank.

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I actually bought the whole kit, kaboodle, and kitchen sink. I've only used the light blue and wonder now why I felt that I needed it all. Maybe someday I'll use the other stuff. The real life books look interesting, I just don't want to overburden my kids with "more" math work. Ugh. They'd commit mutiny!


I think the light blue would be fine enough.

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I'll be the dissenter...I bought the light blue (grade level) and wish I'd bought the blue (topical). But I only pull out MM as a supplement, I wish I'd thought that through a little more before I purchased it. If I want more practice with a topic I have to go through all the grades to find the appropriate material. I can't bring myself to spend the money on the blue, it's all there in the light blue I just have to find it when I need it.

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If you want to use it as your main curriculum, get light blue. If you want to use it as a supplement to another curriculum, get blue. If you're wanting to use it as a main curriculum for some kids and supplement for others, I'd probably still go with light blue. It's not hard to pick out the right topic from the appropriate year. I just did that recently and found it pretty easy. I wanted to print out more practice with percents to go with Singapore 5B, and I went to MM6 and found the section on percents. Printed it out (never got around to using it, but it was easy to pull out :D ).

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I'll be the dissenter...I bought the light blue (grade level) and wish I'd bought the blue (topical).


Sorry we can't easily switch. I bought blue, but had intended to buy light blue, DOH! However, so far I'm kind of enjoying picking through the topics to put together daily work for dd. I print out what I consider to be the "main" topic (like add/subtract) and then add in a page or two from whatever topic I'm "supplementing" with.

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I"m pondering getting this - if I get my 2nd grader at home she is going to blow by her older sister in math, i was thinking that having her in something different would work out the best (other uses MUS and it is a good fit for her special needs). But I kinda want both light and dark blue.... because I am that way.


Meanwhile - more people need to go buy at the co-op so that it goes down to 50% off!!! :D

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I bought the light blue curriculum. I'd rather supplement with fun stuff like Life of Fred.


I"m pondering getting this - if I get my 2nd grader at home she is going to blow by her older sister in math, i was thinking that having her in something different would work out the best (other uses MUS and it is a good fit for her special needs). But I kinda want both light and dark blue.... because I am that way.


Meanwhile - more people need to go buy at the co-op so that it goes down to 50% off!!! :D


I did it last year and it hit 50% right at the end - there was a stampede :D

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I bought the light blue curriculum. I'd rather supplement with fun stuff like Life of Fred.

There is that.... Although my middle child I don't think is going to be a good fit for Fred with her processing issues :(




I did it last year and it hit 50% right at the end - there was a stampede :D

Here is hoping there is!!! It isn't good timing for me financially because property taxes are due..... at 50% I would figure it out somehow though!

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