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WTM Year 3: Which Shakespeare History/Tragedy Play?

Which Year 3 history/tragedy?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Shakespeare History/Tragedy for Year 3?

    • Henry IV
    • Henry V
    • Other?

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I'm doing a WTM-purist History/Literature Great Books study for high school. We use Spielvogel for history, and I select literature from the period. I'm very choosy as to what I want my students to read. One thing I like to include is a history/tragedy play for each year.


For Ancients, we did Julius Caesar. For Medieval, we did Hamlet. For Modern, I want to do Macbeth, because so many rulers in modern times were totalitarian. But Year 3, Early Modern, is stumping me.


I know I want to do a history or tragedy, but which one? Could you please respond to the poll, and if possible, tell me why you would pick that one?


Edited: I have narrowed it down to either Henry IV, part one, or Henry V. Also, I wanted to bump this topic. I would appreciate input if anyone has time.

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My kids (especially ds) love Henry V.


When you get to Macbeth there is a version with Patrick Stewart set during a 20th century war. That might be fun to watch in addition to a more traditional production.


If you want more there is a great RIchard III with Ian McKellen set in WWII.


I think both are on Netflix.

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Hmmm...I'm more partial to Richard the III. Macbeth with Patrick Stewart is so worth watching that I'd rush through a reading of the play with my kids, if time was of the essence, because Stewart really brings the character to life.


My boys LOVED Julius Caesar. But, I tortured them with Romeo and Juliet this year because a local arts center brought in a reasonably decent Shakespeare company to perform it and the tickets were reasonably priced. All I can say is you must have nerves of steel to deal with three, no nonsense, romance hating teenage boys and indepth discussions of young love. Yes, boys, they were, well, idiots! However, there are finer points to be discussed besides your conclusion that simpering, immature, love-starved young teens should be kept locked in the cellar until they grow out of it! :glare: Sigh...my boys have no use for romance in any form. I feel so sorry for my future daughter-in-laws. :lol:


At any rate, I cannot actually elucidate why I prefer Richard the III to the Henrys, I just do!



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My kids (especially ds) love Henry V.



Well, I ended up asking my children about this yesterday. I gave them plot summaries from the two plays and asked their opinion. To my utter shock, THEY AGREED! I was so stunned (agreement is SO rare with them) I decided on the spot to go with their preference:


Henry V


But thanks for the input, all!

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Henry V is a great choice--ds did that one and really enjoyed it.


I did want to add that my dd and I just read Richard III and really enjoyed it. We also watched a BBC production of it which we got out of the library (I think it's from the 1980's). It was excellent. The other cool thing--which was all over the news just a couple of weeks ago--is the remains of the real King Richard III have just recently been discovered under a parking lot in England--and positively identified. We found it fascinating to read about all this after having just read the play. (Very freaky seeing the resemblance between the model reconstruction of Richard III's face from his skull and the actor who played him--oh my!)

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Hmmm...I'm more partial to Richard the III. Macbeth with Patrick Stewart is so worth watching that I'd rush through a reading of the play with my kids, if time was of the essence, because Stewart really brings the character to life.




I'm a huge Patrick Stewart fan, so next year when we do Macbeth I will be sure let them watch that version.


Richard the III is really good too, but my schedule is so tight, and I have to be really careful how much I try to jam in there, especially considering time we need for speech and debate.

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