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Pregnancy cravings are just so weird


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I usually eat a pretty healthy diet with lots of veggies. I used to happily eat a big salad for breakfast.


Now I'm about 9 weeks pregnant and all I can think of is junk. I mostly seem to want to eat red food coloring and MSG. I'm not actually doing it, but I sure want to. This whole morning I've been thinking about how much I want a Pop Tart. A Pop Tart??? :willy_nilly: I don't think I've had a Pop Tart in 10 years, and I don't remember particularly liking it back then. Last week I spent four days trying to keep myself from making Rice Krispie treats. I actually bought ramen noodles at the store a few days ago.


Just the thought of my beloved spring mix with herbs makes me want to run to the bathroom. Chicken or fish? Forget about it. Unless it's fried... I might be able to eat some fried fish, lol.


My last pregnancy I was happy to eat lovely, balanced meals full of great nutrients. Sigh.


For people that craved junk, did it get better after the first trimester yuckiness was over?



Annie (who's thinking of packing her two year old in the car to drive 25 minutes to have shrimp tempura rolls for lunch)

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Last week, all I wanted was sausages and chicken breasts sandwiches. This week, I can't stand the thought of putting chicken or ground beef/ground anything anywhere near me. Yes, pregnancy cravings are weird. :rolleyes: Have you looked yours up to see what it is your body really needs, so you can maybe get it in a healthier format?

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I'd say you are having a girl this time around. :laugh:


WIth my oldest (boy), I craved good stuff. With my dd, I craved spaghetti-o's :ack2: . When I was pregnant with #3, I knew it was a boy because all I wanted was steak, veggies and fruit.


I'm sure there was a nutritional explanation of something lacking in my diet with each pregnancy.

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I wonder what it is your body needs with such cravings. Is your intake of sodium and good fats at good levels? The MSG and the rice krispy treats may be a signal that you body needs some rice for some reason. Maybe some protein building blocks are missing.


When I was pregnant I craved watermelon in February and every couple months I had to have a quarter pounder and fries. I was never one to consume salt and fats so I guess that was my body's way of saying get more of those.

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I also craved junky food in both my pregnancies.


I had terrible morning sickness throughout my entire pregnancies and soda and ice cream settled my stomach. Oh I was SO embarrassed to buy soda while pregnant. My seriously hippie midwife just smiled and told me to eat whatever would stay down. She told me it was good practice for parenting. I do tend to be fairly rigid, so being taken down a peg was probably a good thing, lol.


Oh, and later in my pg I wanted BUTTER! why butter? Who knows? It was so weird. I ate air popped popcorn with little bits of butter. I just couldn't give in to my butter craving.

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I hope the junk craving means girl! With DS I craved lots of fresh veggies--radishes, asparagus, sugar snap peas, etc. Now I find myself buying freezer waffles and slathering them with peanut butter and syrup. And eating way too many Jelly Bellies. I did get a random craving for tomato/cucumber/olive/onion/feta/olive oil/vinegar salad recently though.

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I'd say you are having a girl this time around. :laugh:


I'll take that!


I wonder what it is your body needs with such cravings. Is your intake of sodium and good fats at good levels? The MSG and the rice krispy treats may be a signal that you body needs some rice for some reason. Maybe some protein building blocks are missing.


I wonder, too. Maybe I'll research a bit. I could be lacking in fat I suppose. I haven't really been wanting to eat much of anything unless it's, you know, sugar. :001_rolleyes:


The only thing I craved last pregnancy was Taco Bell ground beef. Hadn't had Taco Bell in the 5 years previous to that, and haven't had it since the end of the first trimester - it did lose it's appeal once normal food became edible again.


Ha! I wanted Taco Bell last week. I managed to hold it at bay by making tacos at home, but it was a close call. :lol:


Oh, and later in my pg I wanted BUTTER! why butter? Who knows? It was so weird. I ate air popped popcorn with little bits of butter. I just couldn't give in to my butter craving.


You needed the fat to grow big brains!


I hope the junk craving means girl! With DS I craved lots of fresh veggies--radishes, asparagus, sugar snap peas, etc. Now I find myself buying freezer waffles and slathering them with peanut butter and syrup. And eating way too many Jelly Bellies. I did get a random craving for tomato/cucumber/olive/onion/feta/olive oil/vinegar salad recently though.


Oh my gosh, we're twins!! I've wanted jelly beans sooooooo bad, and last weekend we were out running errands when I had the most intense craving for a Greek salad. I spend $8 on an awesome salad and ate it in the car on the way home. After weeks of only wanting to eat junk, I wasn't going to let the salad craving go to waste.

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I'd say you are having a girl this time around. :laugh:


WIth my oldest (boy), I craved good stuff. With my dd, I craved spaghetti-o's :ack2: . When I was pregnant with #3, I knew it was a boy because all I wanted was steak, veggies and fruit.


I'm sure there was a nutritional explanation of something lacking in my diet with each pregnancy.



I was totally opposite. With my girl it was fruit, salad, carrots, red meat and absolutely NO CHICKEN!

With this little boy its pizza, cupcakes, frosties, reeses pb cups, hamburgers, although this time I can eat chicken. LOL Its been horrible. I'm diabetic so I can't even HAVE the stuff he wants. LOL Its a constant battle.

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I never had strong cravings during my pregnancies. I feel like I really missed out! LOL, I always wanted to send my DH off on a midnight mission, but I never really craved anything. The closest thing I had to a craving was yogurt with fruit. And that was mostly just because I was hungry and it was the only thing that felt good. I was nauseous and/or had limited stomach capacity for just about the whole 9 months.

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I know what you mean. With my first, I did crave pizza...we had it every Friday. Mine was a white pizza on thin crust with green peppers, olives, mushrooms, onions and pepperoni...downed with a cherry slushie. i ate really well the majority of the time. Then came #2...My first trimester I could not eat enough food. I was starving all the time, then sometime early in my 2nd trimester I asked my dh to bring home a Salmon dinner from Red Lobster...and I got sick. Slowly, one-by-one, every meat i ate made me sick. I survived that pregnancy with saltine crackers, bananas, eggs, chicken noodle soup (only the bad, condensed kind, or ramen) cottage cheese with pears or peaches...and red vines. LOTS of red vines (oh, and garlic bread and OJ, but I can't call that a pregnancy thing...I liked that combination before I was ever pregnant). #1 was a boy, and #2 was a girl. I got sick every single day with #2. I don't know what it is about girls and food...but with each of my girls (3x), I start off great, and gradually my body winds up rejecting everything but crackers, cottage cheese, peaches, pears, bananas, eggs and chicken noodle soup. One that baby is out...I can eat anything again! So totally weird!

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My experience has been that I crave things I haven't had in a long time--my theory is that anything I have eaten recently becomes associated with feeling icky, so I start craving things that I haven't eaten recently. That would, in my opinion, explain the pop tarts--you're craving them precisely because it has been years and years since you've had one. Then once you eat a few they will pick up the taint of pregnancy ickiness and you won't be able to stand the thought of them.

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Ha! I wanted Taco Bell last week. I managed to hold it at bay by making tacos at home, but it was a close call. :lol:

A healthy-eating friend of mine tried to talk me into one of the higher quality local Mexican places instead. But no, it was very specifically the Taco Bell ground "meat" that I wanted, not just general Mexican food.

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Oh, and the power of suggestion with this baby is ridiculous. If I hear about a certain kind of food it becomes a craving. Like right now... I need some Taco Bell! LOL The other day I was reading a book and the girl had a cheeseburger and chocolate shake. We went to the local burger joint and I had a small cheeseburger and some of Dh's chocolate shake that I made him get just so I could have a little bit! I went all day thinking about it before I was like, "Look I need this right now!"

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