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If money wasnt an issue, what would you eat?


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I'd like to be able to go into a store like Whole Foods or Earth Fare and by whatever I want. I have often told this to my DH, that someday, when we have some spare cash again, this is what I want to do. Maybe I'd supplement my purchases with Farmer's Market fare.

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My dreams aren't very expensive or exotic :) I'd like to be able crunch into an apple or carrot, eat a nice juicy peach, do more than just smell strawberries and have a big old bowl of watermelon! At this point I wouldn't even care if they were organic. I just want to be able to eat them again.


I know it's not exactly what you asked. It's just what I thought of.

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Pretty much what we eat now, except I'd add another day of seafood and do an occasional Sunday roast that's not chicken. The kids would say New York strip steaks every night... me, not so much. :D

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Oh yay! This is my favorite daydream! Fresh, wild salmon with roasted seasonal veggies. And cheese. Oh, the cheese. A lovely french creamy cheese spread on a baguette. Farm fresh eggs fried in butter every morning with a slice of nitrate-free thick-cut peppered bacon cooked crisp. And an unlimited budget at the farmer's market in the summer.

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Personal chef x1000000000000000

They will be given a list of likes/dislikes and surprise me, don't even ask....


There are many time consuming dishes I love, but don't have the time to make:stuffed grape leaves, stuffed cabbage (not the german type) in lemon, stuffed squash, stuffed fried meatballs,hmmmmm..I seem to like stuffed things

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Fresh food from meat to veggies to fruit. We have at different times bought and had a cow butchered, best beef I ever had, we went salmon fishing and loaded up the freezer, we have fished in the gulf and bought shrimp right off the shrimp boat, we have had access to great fruit and veggies from farmers markets, road side stands or pick your own places. Unfortunately that stuff is hard to find in a lot of the places we have lived.


The other think I would do is wave my magic wand and make dd's and dh's food issues go away.

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Unfortunately that stuff is hard to find in a lot of the places we have lived.


This is us. Local selections are limited. The good stuff is more than an hour's drive away.

I have a fresh produce delivery service second on my list (after the personal chef).


ETA: We'd eat out more than the twice a year we do now.

We'd also probably pick up a lot more take-aways and convenience foods (which, unlike other countries, are still more expensive than cooking from scratch here).

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Mostly the same as we eat now.


We spend a lot raising our own, and buying quality food from other farmers.


I just feel like what we eat is closely tied to our future health, how we feel emotionally, and how easy it is for the kids to learn.


I would put off other purchases to continue to feed my family a natural, healthy diet.

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First, personal chef. I'm not buying fancy cuts just to overcook them or something!


Other than that, grass fed/free range/wild caught meat, poultry, eggs, and seafood. Raw oysters. Artisinal cheese. Fresh berries. Only homemade broth. GF bagels with no calories. They make those, right? Nice wine, brandy, and scotch while we're at it. :D


I already do eat fairly well and can generally buy what I want, within reason. But it would be nice to always eat the best, prepared by a professional.

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My younger child wanted me to make him sushi. So I bought all the stuff. It's a pain! And now I have a very large bag of sushi rice that I don't know what to do with. LOL



Rice balls:

Japanese style, onigiri,

or Italian style, arancini.



My kids love both. The onigiri is great with seasoned seaweed. The arancini is great with marinara sauce. They're both good alone.

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Unsinkable reveals her dark side . . .


:lol: :lol: :lol:


It's a crappy day here and I needed a laugh. LOL.


DH called and I told him about it and he said it's too bad you ladies can't hear me say that quote and do the creepy slurpy noise. It's one of my useless talents.

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I'd be raising more of our own animals for the freezer and have a hired hand to help with the garden and other chores. We would have more variety to our protein choices and they'd all be grass finished. I'd add a large greenhouse to things and have heating in it to give me opportunity to grow fruits and veggies that struggle to survive normally here.

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Organic, grass fed beef in small amounts.

Free range, organic chicken

All organic produce and dairy products


Weekly train trips to Chicago for Halibut in Garlic butter served on a bed or roasted baby red potatoes, shitake mushrooms, and leeks...from Riva's Cafe on Navy Pier. :D You said "if money wasn't an issue". So, I answered honestly. :biggrinjester:


DH says, "Steamed Alaskan Snow Crab legs every.single.day."



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seafood, I love shrimp. Nice salmon. someone to know how to prepare this stuff.


I would also buy real food, you know like no pesticides, no GMO, no hidden ingredients. And cheese, I love cheese, lots of cheese, and potatoes and chicken. I actually like chicken.


I would never eat hamburger again. I would buy nice breakfast bars because I hate cooking breakfast, and I would have Costa Rican coffee.

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I would have an in-home well stocked salad bar for lunch everyday. Fresh baked rye bread (or pump) delivered every other day. Krispy Kreme hot fresh donuts delivered once a week. Great green tea brewed twice a day, served on ice with a splash of acai berry. A heavy traditional breakfast daily (but subsitute great bagels for biscuits/toast). And uhm....anything dinner wise that someone else is cooking, preferably on the lighter side. Chocolate on demand.

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Steak and eggs


A small steak with grilled veggies drizzled with olive oil


A steak for dinner with loaded broccoli


And I'd add some grilled shrimp and scallops and mushrooms. And grilled chicken salad with all the fixings and ranch dressing.


Fancy cheeses.


Smoked salmon with hollandaise.


Expensive chocolate, fresh berries of all kinds, and really good coffee.

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Well we have a great source for beef (my sister) that is local, clean and awesome, but I'd love to be able to buy ALL of our chicken from the farmer's market (I can do about 1/2 now, more if I stay with dark meat), and I'd like to get sustainable, wild caught fresh fish (that doesn't taste fishy) from somewhere to eat a couple times a week. I had some flounder filets last night from Whole Foods and they were TERRIBLE; won't do that again. We live in Louisiana - this shouldn't be so difficult!


I already buy most of our produce at the Farmer's Market when we don't grow any, or Whole Foods, with very few items coming from our local grocery (they carry some earthbound organic so I tend to get lettuce and a few other items from there).


I guess I'd like to be able to buy ALL of my canned goods from Whole Foods all the time, because I could always get lined cans or my tomato products in glass jars, etc. I don't do much canned, but sometimes it's just nice to have things on hand; would be great if it could always be somewhat "clean."


I have to agree though, it would be nice to have a personal chef to prepare it all!

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We spend money on organic. For me it would be incredible produce. I don't know where all the good veggies are but they don't come to my supermarkets lol. I would pay to have a CSA like bag weekly from anywhere it was good!


And good seafood. I would love to have good fish and shellfish twice a week.


And more good steaks. Our grassfed one is so expensive we don't get it often.

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