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Intensive review of grammar/punctuation for 15yo?

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My daughter did CLE's Language Arts from 4-7th. Took off all grammar for 8th and 9th to focus heavily on writing, and I am looking to have her do a one year intensive study of grammar/punctuation during 10th grade.


What program could I use that would be totally independent, workbooky (she likes them), and super solid? I've even contemplated using R&S's 8th grade book (but from the samples it looked like more writing instruction than grammar...?).


Any ideas or rec's?


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Both Hake 8 and AG are great programs. Ideally, both, with Hake 8 first and AG to follow. Hake 8 is going to provide a great deal of practice over time. AG will group topical areas and provide succint summaries. I would love to see Hake have a high school review, but 8 does a pretty good job.

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