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I will start off saying I am so dissapointed that Neil is not only Baefire but also Henrys dad. That was just too obvious in my opinion. I really don't like seeing this Racey Lacey counterpart to Belle..her alter ego I mean what? I am also amazed at the Regina sinking so low thing. She knows her mother is crazy. I am still wanting to know who the heck is the guy in the hospital? Where did he come from? Maybe he will be te one who blows the whistle on Storybrooke forcing everyone to go back to the forest. Now it looks like Snow is gonna get all wicked on some people, that may be fun to see. I also saw something about a possible Charming baby?? That may be an interesting twist.


I wonder if Mulan and her buddy ever fixed their prince?

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i actually kinda like the fact that bae is the dad. i DONT like how creepy Gold is being about Henry tho . . . that makes me give up on him every turning good. i'm thinking maybe Regina will finally turn against Cora and Cora and Gold will kill each other and the guy in the hospital will blow the whistle but the giant's beans will be ready and they'll go off again to another world. I cant decide if i think Bae will stay with his fiance or stay with the storybrook crowd. I mean, his time was way before theirs so he doesnt know any of them . . . but does he really want to marry that beautiful woman, knowing he can never tell her the truth


Oh, and someone here suggested that he'd been a lost boy - they were right, apparently.


i'm always a bit creeped out by the stuff with Snow being pre-pubescent . . . i'm pretty sure its her with a lot of makeup and it just creeps me out

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i actually kinda like the fact that bae is the dad. i DONT like how creepy Gold is being about Henry tho . . . that makes me give up on him every turning good. i'm thinking maybe Regina will finally turn against Cora and Cora and Gold will kill each other and the guy in the hospital will blow the whistle but the giant's beans will be ready and they'll go off again to another world. I cant decide if i think Bae will stay with his fiance or stay with the storybrook crowd. I mean, his time was way before theirs so he doesnt know any of them . . . but does he really want to marry that beautiful woman, knowing he can never tell her the truth


Oh, and someone here suggested that he'd been a lost boy - they were right, apparently.


i'm always a bit creeped out by the stuff with Snow being pre-pubescent . . . i'm pretty sure its her with a lot of makeup and it just creeps me out



Something about the young Snow White rubs me the wrong way too, but it is a different actress named Bailee Madison. I also don't like Gold's antagonism towards Henry. The show is interesting though and I had never thought that Cora might be responsible for Snow White's mother's death. Also, Cora mentioned being the miller's daughter and so I wonder if she was from the story of the woman who met Rumplestilskin when she needed to spin gold but yet somehow she never became the queen.

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i actually kinda like the fact that bae is the dad. i DONT like how creepy Gold is being about Henry tho . . . that makes me give up on him every turning good. i'm thinking maybe Regina will finally turn against Cora and Cora and Gold will kill each other and the guy in the hospital will blow the whistle but the giant's beans will be ready and they'll go off again to another world. I cant decide if i think Bae will stay with his fiance or stay with the storybrook crowd. I mean, his time was way before theirs so he doesnt know any of them . . . but does he really want to marry that beautiful woman, knowing he can never tell her the truth


Oh, and someone here suggested that he'd been a lost boy - they were right, apparently.


i'm always a bit creeped out by the stuff with Snow being pre-pubescent . . . i'm pretty sure its her with a lot of makeup and it just creeps me out


That makes ense!!! Good thought there. I forgot all about the giant.

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Something about the young Snow White rubs me the wrong way too, but it is a different actress named Bailee Madison. I also don't like Gold's antagonism towards Henry. The show is interesting though and I had never thought that Cora might be responsible for Snow White's mother's death. Also, Cora mentioned being the miller's daughter and so I wonder if she was from the story of the woman who met Rumplestilskin when she needed to spin gold but yet somehow she never became the queen.


That would make some sense because he is theone who taught her after all.

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oh, yeah, i love that idea . . i was wondering what that 'millers daughter' comment meant. But . . wait, which witch was it that kissed rumple a few episodes ago? something about 'the way we used to seal our deals" - was that cora?


thanks for letting me know its a different actress, that helps some, honestly


a giant named . . tiny?

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oh, yeah, i love that idea . . i was wondering what that 'millers daughter' comment meant. But . . wait, which witch was it that kissed rumple a few episodes ago? something about 'the way we used to seal our deals" - was that cora?


thanks for letting me know its a different actress, that helps some, honestly


a giant named . . tiny?


I think it was Cora but I can see Regina doing it too LOL

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I will start off saying I am so dissapointed that Neil is not only Baefire but also Henrys dad. That was just too obvious in my opinion.


Not only is he Baefire and Henry's dad, but he said that he knows how control Hook's ship??? Gee, I wonder who that could be. :001_rolleyes: Obviously not Smee, we've seen him.

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oh . . . he didnt grow up? no, i thought someone said they couldnt use peter pan? copyright?



They had an issue with that, but I think I read something recently that it had been resolved. I did read something about how they're going to be incorporating all kinds of characters from children's fantasy stories, including characters like Mary Poppins. It should be interesting.


I really like the show, but I think they're getting into an area where they have to many storylines going and need to trim some because there are so many people / stories that aren't even being touched on during an episode, sometimes for weeks. For example, Belle and the outsider from the hospital. I don't think he's been laying around being a model patient this entire time, and Dr. Hopper, I know they rescued him from Cora / Hook, but what happened then? To many lose ends and it's getting harder to follow, especially when there are several weeks with no new episode.

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I hope Snow does find a way to off Cora - Cora's ability to turn into anyone she pleases to trick folks is a big problem, I think. She has been Pretend Dead Archie, Blue Fairy...who else? How can we assume ANYONE is who they seem - it might be Cora! That character is too strong and needs to go.

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I loved this show last season, but am kind of meh on S2. It was too obvious who Bae was. I called it the minute he met August (where IS he BTW?). I'm getting tired of all the bad guy business with Gold and Regina and Cora. I'm also upset about Belle. She was one of my favorite characters. Also, is it bad that I'm totally into Hook? That man is smokin' in his leather coat!

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Possible Spoilers Ahead!


I hope Snow does find a way to off Cora - Cora's ability to turn into anyone she pleases to trick folks is a big problem, I think. She has been Pretend Dead Archie, Blue Fairy...who else? How can we assume ANYONE is who they seem - it might be Cora! That character is too strong and needs to go.


Did you see how Snow was looking at Regina's mausoleum when she was in the graveyard at the end of the last episode (I think)? And remember Cora doesn't keep her heart in her chest, I would bet it's in there (possibly she put it there when she was pretending to be Henry to get to Regina?) and Snow is going to discover it. That will be the ticket to the end of Cora.


In the beginning of the show fairy tale land Snow was so different from the one we've come to see now, I think there's still some of that fire in her and she'll get her chance.

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i'm always a bit creeped out by the stuff with Snow being pre-pubescent . . . i'm pretty sure its her with a lot of makeup and it just creeps me out

I've not read past this yet so forgive me if someone else has pointed it out. The girl who plays a young Snow is actually a child actress. She also played on a couple of Disney Channel shows. Her name is Bailee Madison

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well, gold is already poisoned. killing him off might bond Bae to his son, because its his only remaining family? I though this week was going to be the first few weeks of the curse? or is that the next week? idk, if gold dies, who has the power to oppose cora? except Regina, of course. there's always bell ... but i dont think so, she was in a cast interview i watched on hulu that was recent. pinocchio?

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i kinda miss the back-and-forth focusing on one tale at a time . . its more of a crazy soap opera now. but i got attached to the characters.



I agree! I also want to know what happened with all the other stuff? Like the magic ink? Wasn't the little mermaid suppose to show up? I want to know about Mulan and Auroras prince too. And weren't we suppose to see Dr. Whales brother at some point? I still do not like the whole Belle alter ego thing and Henry being his son because that just felt way too obvious.

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We saw Frankesteins brother - he got shot by a guard when he was trying to stop frankenstien from digging up a body in the graveyard, and then he tried to bring back his brother and his brother begged him to kill him. i'm not making this up, am I?


Racy Lacy i think is just Bae's fiance, who we met towards the end of the last episode. i watch on hulu, too.

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We saw Frankesteins brother - he got shot by a guard when he was trying to stop frankenstien from digging up a body in the graveyard, and then he tried to bring back his brother and his brother begged him to kill him. i'm not making this up, am I?


Racy Lacy i think is just Bae's fiance, who we met towards the end of the last episode. i watch on hulu, too.


Racy Lacey is supposedly Belles alter ego now that she has no memories. I know we saw how his brother died but remember Whale was asking Regina to bring his brother or send hm home.

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Why can't they all just get along? Sigh. The danger of making your black and white fairy tale characters into shade of gray is that we have sympathy for all of them and don't want anyone to get hurt. I did enjoy tonight's episode, but ... yeah. Given the choice between the two I think they made the correct choice, but I wish they hadn't forced the choice.

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I'm also upset about Belle. She was one of my favorite characters.


Yes, loved Belle and how she always sought to find the best in Gold. I really like Gold, creepy and all. The phone call....loved it!!! Loved seeing that side of him.


Also, is it bad that I'm totally into Hook? That man is smokin' in his leather coat!



Not bad at all!! He's my favorite character to look at. :drool:



I have to agree with other posters. This back and forth with so many different story lines is driving me nuts. Not nuts enough to stop watching though. I am "Hooked" now. :lol:

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i really didnt like that snow was wearing all black . . . it felt ominous . . . so sad hearing cora say "you would have been enough" . . . Regina is likely to go over the edge. funny that regina was supposed to have been Gold's child .. . gold is now the BMOC . . . .

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Oh! Really? Was there a gap between the episodes of season 2? If so, that's awesome and I'm set! Teach me not to assume, yet again :)


There have been a few. And another one coming up! People are saying the show should be renamed "Once Upon a Hiatus." :glare:

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There have been a few. And another one coming up! People are saying the show should be renamed "Once Upon a Hiatus." :glare:



Grimm should too. I was on tender hooks. It went on hiatus in NOVEMBER and just came back on the other night. When they put "To Be Continued" at the end of the episode in Nov, they also put "...Sorry"

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Grimm should too. I was on tender hooks. It went on hiatus in NOVEMBER and just came back on the other night. When they put "To Be Continued" at the end of the episode in Nov, they also put "...Sorry"


I figured Grimm was waiting for Bree Turner to lose the baby weight, since they couldn't move the plot forward without her.

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I figured Grimm was waiting for Bree Turner to lose the baby weight, since they couldn't move the plot forward without her.


Yeah, but still! They could have just continued the phone conversations with her. How sweet was it when Monroe saw her again? He's my favorite character.


Hmm, this is a OUaT thread, so I guess I should say something about that show, huh? Um, sometimes I don't like Henry. There, I said it out loud! He can be obnoxious and never listens.

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I didn't like Rose playing Cora either. I used to watch her back in the day on Charmed and I am in no way trying to be rude but did she do something to her lips? They don't look right anymore. If that whole flash back was meant to make me feel pity or something I just don't. The whole scene was just crummy even Rumple. I was not thrilled with Grimms return either. I think instead of killing Cora they should have killed her power or something like that.

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Yeah, but still! They could have just continued the phone conversations with her. How sweet was it when Monroe saw her again? He's my favorite character.


Hmm, this is a OUaT thread, so I guess I should say something about that show, huh? Um, sometimes I don't like Henry. There, I said it out loud! He can be obnoxious and never listens.


RIGHT! I have wanted to smack him several times. After all Emma has done he is all smart mouth over Neil to her. What a little brat!

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I didn't like Rose playing Cora either. I used to watch her back in the day on Charmed and I am in no way trying to be rude but did she do something to her lips? They don't look right anymore. If that whole flash back was meant to make me feel pity or something I just don't. The whole scene was just crummy even Rumple. I was not thrilled with Grimms return either. I think instead of killing Cora they should have killed her power or something like that.


Rose McGowen had plastic surgery that did not go well. Part of it was due to injuries from a car accident.

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Rose McGowen had plastic surgery that did not go well. Part of it was due to injuries from a car accident.


That is so sad! I had no idea. Her acting must be a bit rusty then because I just didn't feel it was right or maybe it was just the script. Sometimes a script can screw the best actress.

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Is it just me or did anyone else think the bits between young Cora and Rumple were kind of creepy? I was glad when Cora said he'd never get a child from her. Having Regina be Gold's was just too much of a stretch IMO.


Henry bothers me too. You'd think someone would be able to discipline the kid at least a little bit.

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Is it just me or did anyone else think the bits between young Cora and Rumple were kind of creepy?




As to Henry, he is getting annoying. I liked his character the first season but it seems they can't really work him into the stories this season so he gets scraps that just make his character less believable.

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