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S/O What does your toddler snack on?

Mom in High Heels

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What do your toddlers snack on that isn't messy? Han Solo is a huge slacker, despite the fact that he's only in the 3rd % for weight. Most of what he snacks on are bread stuff, like crackers, and pretzels. He does like fruits a lot (kiwi and pomegranate are his favorites) and dried cranberries. Other than the dried cranberries though, I can't let him have that sort of stuff in the LR though. If I put him at the table every time he wanted a snack, he'd never get up. He eats all day. Any thoughts on what I can give him that isn't just carbs?

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string cheese, fruit, cherry tomatoes, almonds, peanuts, dried fruit, pretzels, crackers, oatmeal bars, fruit bars, do I dare say cookies ;) He will eat just about anything you put in front of him--this is a list of his favorites. He can't have yogurt--dairy allergy but cheese does not bother him.

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My youngest dd was a snacker. She didn't really eat full meals. I fed her actual foods such as cubed potatoes, green beans, carrots, ham and chicken in addition to the traditional snacks like crackers, cheese, and fruit. Maybe your child needs lots of little meals.

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Other than carbs and things that aren't too messy, mine have:

canned green beans

frozen freezer peas or mixed vegetables blend (w/o green beans), served straight from the freezer :)

LOVES frozen blueberries

homemade jerky broken up into small pieces - she sucks on them and its small enough she wont choke

cheese cubes

apple slices

plain pinto beans

tortilla chips

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my daughter was a really good eater at that age, too. I didn't let her snack all day though because I was definitely a schedule mom. She had breakfast at around 7, snack at about 9:30, lunch at 12, snack at 3, and dinner at 6, and a small snack before bed (milk and perhaps a grahm cracker, 1/2 a bannana). I didn't want her to get into the habit of snacking all day, even if she was a skinny toddler. I feel like thin kids can develop bad eating habits because no one worries about there weight and then that carries into adulthood and the kids no longer have that crazy metabolism. Just as me and my husband who were both poles until we hit our mid twenties (but we did it together :001_tt1: ). Anyhow, she seemed to have a bottomless pit and had no problem with eating a very decent amount of her 3 square meals a day and snacks. Because snack comprimised about 1/2 her diet, I did make sure her snacks were healthy.


Morning snack was often more like "second breakfast" because this was the time i ate so she'd have what I was having and would have had some cereal and fruit or oatmeal, or bagel and yogurt, simple, quick stuff earlier, with something perhaps more elaborate later (piece of my veggie omelet)


Other snacks:

yogurt, fruit, and grahm crackers

dry cheerios mixed with raisins or craisins, and nuts

Trail mix

Dried fruit mix (Costco stuff)

cheese sticks

blueberries and grapes (for some reason toddlers like these)


teddy grahms

carrot sticks with ranch

apples with peanut butter

granola bars

cereal bars

quick breads or muffins like banana nut, apple, pumpkin, etc.

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