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Would you let your ds10........


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A) Travel to an away hockey game in Georgia (we are in south florida) with the coach, his wife and their son? They would drive.

B. Travel to an away game in georgia with ds10 if coach rented a bus for everyone including if they wanted, parents)?

C) Travel to an away game ingeorgia if you drove just you and your son?

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A) Travel to an away hockey game in Georgia (we are in south florida) with the coach, his wife and their son? They would drive.

B. Travel to an away game in georgia with ds10 if coach rented a bus for everyone including if they wanted, parents)?

C) Travel to an away game ingeorgia if you drove just you and your son?




I'd be more comfortable with B. or C., but, sure. Why not?


My son was about that age when he went on a bus tour to Atlanta and North Carolina with his choir.

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I'd say all 3 would be acceptable with certain "ifs"

1. do you know the coach and wife well? How is their driving? Have you or anyone close to you ridden with them in the past? I have friends I'm close to who have children my kids' ages, but there is no way I would let them drive my own kids because I've had to follow them in the past to camps and I found their driving...horrible (as well as illegal). Others I would have no problem with at all.

2. certainly if the driver was a professional or had a lot of experience transporting children and, from past experience, I'd suggest headphones for the parents :)

3. If the game is an important game and I want my son to feel part of the team, I would certainly consider driving if I had a reliable vehicle and the money to make it happen.


Do you want to attend the game?

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I'd say all 3 would be acceptable with certain "ifs"

1. do you know the coach and wife well? How is their driving? Have you or anyone close to you ridden with them in the past? I have friends I'm close to who have children my kids' ages, but there is no way I would let them drive my own kids because I've had to follow them in the past to camps and I found their driving...horrible (as well as illegal). Others I would have no problem with at all.

2. certainly if the driver was a professional or had a lot of experience transporting children and, from past experience, I'd suggest headphones for the parents :)

3. If the game is an important game and I want my son to feel part of the team, I would certainly consider driving if I had a reliable vehicle and the money to make it happen.


Do you want to attend the game?


This. C would be my first choice, but I would absolutely consider A and B with the above conditions met if my 10 year old son was comfortable with the arrangement. I factor in my kids' comfort level with decisions like this. My 10 year old would likely jump at this opportunity. My 12 year old would only go if a parent went. I would respect that.
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C, Yes


B. probably.


A. depends on how I feel about the coach and his family, but probably.


My experience with my DD's team is that coaches keep a pretty close eye on the group, especially on kids who don't have a parent with them, to the point that parents are almost extraneous. THEY don't want to be responsible for something bad happening to a child. If you trust the driver, you're probably fine.

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It is an overnight?


I wouldn't let him go overnight without me, period.


C would be my first choice. B if I could go on the bus.


B without me if there isn't an overnight.


A if there was no overnight and the coach was a good family friend who I trusted completely.


*** I do not let other adults drive my children that far only because *i* know I would have a really, really hard time forgiving the driver (and myself) if something bad were to happen. It's just how I operate.

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I didn't let my kids ride the Awana bus to state last year. We followed in our car. I have to know the adults very well to let them ride with and even then I have rules about seatbelts. No one will care for my kid as well as me so we are involved with our kids and are present for sports/activities. When I have peace about a situation I am much more relaxed. I follow my first gut reaction.

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C only.

Unless the coach was a trusted friend that I had known for years


I approved of his driving.

(some of my best friends will take both hands off the wheel when

they are driving, to emphasize what they are saying, and one fumbles

in pocket for cellphone when it rings...)

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I'd only be comfortable with C, but my ds would jump at the chance to do any of the 3 choices, and my Dh would probably tell me I'm being too overprotective by not letting him do A or B.


In the end, my Dh would probably go too, so either option B or C.

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My DS12's coach and his wife are like family, so I wouldn't have a problem with any of the options, and have executed A and B in the past. DS went to a tournament at Disney World (8 hour drive) with his coach's family. We drove down a couple days later, brining in the coach's older son with us. We do a lot of tournaments out of town that we travel to.

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Guest submarines

Yes, for all three. I'd pick C over A if I had the choice, but take the bus if that's what the team is doing.




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Yes to all 3.


We have done C since he was 6.


I am putting DS on a bus for an 8 hour journey in a few weeks while I drive and I am prepared to do A by the time he is 10 but instead of ride in a car, I will put him on a plane and double the distance.


I fully trust my sons coaches.


FWIW I am buying a cheap pay as you go phone preprogrammed with all important cell phone numbers and I bought a tablet with camera and camcorder and am teaching DS to make videos and send them to me. I set up a facebook account that he uploads pictures to and I have it set up so I receive instant notifications of anything he uploads. Note DS does not have access to the facebook account, I just linked it to his camera. Same with youtube, no one else can see the videos but since I have a password I see everything. DS loves the idea.

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