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Want to help me educate our school district?

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I am working with a few other local parents to help our high school district understand how vast the educational options are for students in the private sector. Currently, our high school district offers an "indepent study" program that allows students alternative coursework, and also allows them to participate in school activities such as sports, music, theater, etc.


The trouble is that their only course options are very low-level, textbook driven courses. They literally have two options for each course: textbook A, or textbook B.


We are proposing that the district allow indepent study students to purchase alternative courses (on their own dime of course) from some of the MANY private providers that exist, and receive course credit.


I am brainstorming a list of the various options that exist on the market. Will you help me add to my list? I know I have barely scratched the surface. And, I am interested in both religious and non-religious options.





Purchased courses may include:


  1. Live interaction online courses.





Veritas Press Scholars Academy https://vpsa.veritaspress.com/



Stanford Online High School http://ohs.stanford.edu/academics.html


  1. Self-Paced online courses





Apex Learning

Ascend Learning


Kahn Academy


  1. Multi-Media Self-paced course (DVD/CD ROM)



Institute for Excellence in writing (DVD courses)

The Great Courses


4. Private or small group instruction with qualified teacher

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