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Montessori during the day.... cramming at night :) Ideas?

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Hi There,


I'm loving having my son do something without me for a few hours a day. He's in fourth and my last one at home....

His class doesn't have to do as much "school work" as we were doing before... And I kinda had him "Unschooling", but for math and other subjects, I just guess I was always throwing books at him...


I'm wanting to do a program with him, teaching him "lessons" at home and then having him do the work at school. For instance... his school math takes about ten minutes.... and he's use to working for at least 30minutes or so. So I'm teaching him the math "teacher part" at home and he'll do the "school work" at school.


Since we hadn't concentrated on Spelling, because I taught him kinda "organically" before, I drug out the spelling book to start going through it with him. (Don't want the incorrect spelling imprinted in his brain) He's pretty decent because of the reading he's done...


I'm looking at the WWE Level 3 from SWB for his writing. He's doing writing at school, but I'm not sure he's clued in enough to absorb it. His writing is.... not there. (BUT, his math is the top level....!!! So it's a strengths/weaknesses thing) And I haven't really tried to get him to write......


Anyone after school for their children to do ... at school??


His teacher is really smart and I like her... 4th grade is transitional and more workbooks... The afternoon is more community learning...


I want him to work hard! I'm planning on igniting the fire behind the "Learn Latin" in a few weeks!! We have Latin For Children, and I hope to mostly get through it before Sept. He can do Latin work as a "Language Arts" job during his day at school. (Hope he has the same teacher; she's flexible) :)

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