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Do you have family on your social sites?

Tess in the Burbs

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I got off facebook years ago and have no regrets. I got on Google + but it's not active. I have a few people on there from sports but usually Dh and I use it for the 'hangout' video chat feature.


So MIL and SIL now have added me to their google +. I have not put them in my circles. We have no contact with SIL for years. Before that it was one sided from our side. MIL has been calling more lately. But we don't see them much either. After the visits they stop calling for months. She's coming this month so it's why she calls more than ever.


I don't have my own family on my google +. Do people put their family on their social networks? I would feel like I couldn't be myself with my parents and inlaws reading what I wrote.


And yes, I know I can just put things out to certain circles but there is nothing I want to share with them ever, so why add them? I know MIL will ask when I see her in 2 weeks....




just curious what others do about family and inlaws and their social networks....

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I'm friends with a lot of my family on Facebook. My Dad, MIL and FIL, two SILs and BILs, three Aunts and cousins too numerous to count. The only time it was a problem is when my cousin's psycho of a wife went completely nuts and started cyber-harrassing everyone. Luckily I could just block her and then he wised up and divorced her. But I find it's a great way to keep up with far flung family.

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Dh's sister friended me on FB. This means that I cannot say terrible things about their mother in my status updates, which are pretty rare anyway. I am peeved at this. I understand there is a way to put someone in a different category so she cannot see your updates and such, but I haven't researched it that much.

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well, my family is teeny tiny. My aunt was on fb long ago but had it set up you couldn't post to her at all. My cousin never posted anything but party pictures. So years ago it wasn't a connective help, so I can't imagine with the inlaws it would be either. We are the black sheep in that family....I can't see good coming from this, lol.


But my mom and sister aren't online in social groups. My dad has too many girlfriends and I bet he wouldn't want me being able to see his behavior. He stopped yelping b/c I saw him out and about and said something about it lol.

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I am friends with some of my family on FB. There are a few people that I have ignored their requests but that is because I just am not close to them at all. I am not friends with any in-laws on FB and I plan to keep it that way.

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Yes, all of our family gets along and it's how we share photos and plan get togethers.


I do observe one rule for my husband's side of the family - I will not befriend anyone that is not my husband's FB/whatever friend. Oddly, I've had several of his relatives try to add me as a friend, but not add him. Um, if he doesn't want you to know what's going on in his life, then you're not going to circumvent it through me.

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I'm friends with a couple of my young cousins (no adult relatives are on FB) and nearly all of DH's relatives except for a couple of weird uncles whose friend requests I ignore.


I don't know most of them very well, but I never post objectionable material, so that doesn't matter. It's nice for MIL and I to be able to message each other because we're both very introverted and awkward on the phone.


It is really weird to be friends with these relatives. I joined facebook back when you had to have a university email address, and it was mainly used for coordinating parties and checking out potential love interests. Now half my newsfeed is my husband's older relatives and their retirement plans (the other half is wedding plans from my engaged friends). It's a jarring difference.

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On my side of the fam, I only have nieces, one Aunt and one sil, b/c no one else uses FB. On dh's side, I'm friends with a lot of family.



I don't have my own family on my google +. Do people put their family on their social networks? I would feel like I couldn't be myself with my parents and inlaws reading what I wrote


I'm always "myself." I don't see why I should have to hide who I am or present a false face to anyone. They all love me, I love them--if they don't get my sometimes wacky, sometimes a little rude sense of humor, too bad. I try not to say something online or to anyone else irl that I wouldn't say to the person's face.

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I'm always "myself." I don't see why I should have to hide who I am or present a false face to anyone. They all love me, I love them--if they don't get my sometimes wacky, sometimes a little rude sense of humor, too bad. I try not to say something online or to anyone else irl that I wouldn't say to the person's face.


Well my own family is very critical about most anything I do or think and I just don't share with them much. So if I said something about a bad day at home with the kids they would gladly offer up their opinions about homeschooling. The inlaws too. I guess I would feel I couldn't be honest without them giving me a hard time about our choices in life.

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Most of my FB is my family. It's our main way of keeping in touch. I joined FB because my siblings were on it and suggested it would be handy.


I figure that putting anything negative about my family ANYWHERE on the internet is dicey -- they could eventually find it. I don't email things I don't want forwarded all over the world, either.

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Yes, I have lots of family on FB. I love being able to stay in touch and see pictures!

Having my family on FB is pretty much the only reason I have an account. I haven't had any problems being myself.

I'm on FB so I can stay connected with my family. I love seeing their updates and pictures.


Yep. I would never complain about a family member or friend on FB anyhow. My general rule of thumb is if it's something I would be embarrassed to let my Great-Aunt Mildred see then it doesn't need to be posted in the first place. ;-)

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OIC--I don't come from a critical family (well, they don't share if they feel critical--used to, but it's much better), so I can totally see how that would change your feelings about family and FB.

No one wants to be bashed all the time. I think I'd pass. :grouphug:

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I have family on FB. I have organized my friends list into categories. I have a group for family, friends and kids. This way I can block specific posts from a whole group if I need to. I have strongly considered having a second facebook account for friends only.



The need for a second account is because my political and personal views vary greatly from some of my family. I don't really want to debate it every time I post something I feel is either funny or important that they disagree with.

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