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Working and Homeschooling

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We are new to homeschooling and I just ordered our first SL Core F that we will start in a few weeks. My kiddos are DS almost 11 and DD 13. I have to go back to work at least part time. I will be working for the first few weeks a split shift from 10am -3pm Monday-Thursday. Once I have the lay of the land I will be able to flex that more and I am thinking noon-5pm will work best for us, but I will have to see.


I have talked with my kids and they are on board with getting started at 8am and then getting what independent work done they can as well as their chores while I am gone. If anyone has any ideas for an accountability/compensation system that I can employ that would be great.




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I work part- time, as well - Monday and Tuesdays from 7 am - 5 pm, plus commute. What works for us is having a detailed schedule. I lay out independent work in each kid's cubby the night before so it is clear what they need to complete. I also schedule some work for my dh to do with the kids in the written schedule. My boys are assigned to complete all of their co op classes homework while I am at work. There is no compensation for doing their work, but I do provide some scolding for "forgetting" to do it. :D (My 10 year old has a habit of neglecting to complete his independent work for his writing program.) What makes our weird schedule work is the master schedule I keep in my black three ring binder. I have an overall daily schedule printed, a week by week one for dh, and each child has his/her individual subjects scheduled out by week and day. We would be lost as gooses without it. Your situation sounds quite workable with two older kids.

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Organization and follow through will be key I am sure. Maybe I should clarify what I mean by "compensation" . I do not believe in paying for grades or household chores. Those are expectations of being in the familiy. However, I feel like if they take care of the expectations of their work/chores regularly then we could compensate in some way. Say after 2 weeks a movie rental night etc. I want them to want an education so it's not about rewarding but just a good way to reinforce. Does that make sense? Maybe I am not on the right track.


I am nervous but I think we are a strong family and have good support systems.


Sorry for rambling :)



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That sort of reinforcement sounds like fun. :) It does make one think out of the box to work part time while homeschooling, but it is quite workable, and many people here do it. I'm sure some others will be along to provide their insight. I have found that my work schedule and absence has been a benefit to my kids in that they have learned to be fairly independent. My boys (ages 10 and 12) are completely on their own regarding co op homework (for science and Latin). I don't ask or remind or help them in any way. They have really risen to this challenge quite nicely. Also, they work together on the science homework, which is a valuable skill to learn. There are gifts in every experience, even those you don't anticipate or welcome initially. :) (Welcome to the boards, by the way. :) )

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