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OMG my 14yr old has a girlfriend!!


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Last night, out of the blue, DS turns to me and says "I asked a girl to be my girlfriend today." I was kind of shocked, but I asked him "What did she say?" "Yes." I'm thankful he was comfortable coming to me to tell me, but wow.


I was totally not expecting this to happen so soon. I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was a sophmore in high school. I was a band geek, though. LOL


We asked him to tell us about her, and he started to get embarrassed. We said, "Well, what does she look like?" He said "Well, she isn't exactly super skinny...not really super skinny...but not obese...she is just naturally a bigger girl..." My heart broke that he felt that he needed to defend her like that. He said she is REALLY nice, with long wavybrown hair. They sit at the same lunch table, and a week ago they started sitting next to each other.


He started at this school a month ago when we moved back here from Missouri. He is absolutely thriving and making so many friends. Coming in as a kid who has been bullied and outcast at the other schools he has gone to (a big reason I started homeschooling him at the beginning of the year). He has never been invited to anyone's house, and has never been invited to a classmate's birthday party...ever. He even went to school with the same kids from preschool to 6th grade!! Friends I am prepared for...girlfriends, not so much.


I'm not ready for this.

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:001_wub: That's very sweet! It's so great he jumped right into the social scene at a new school that fast!


My 12 year old boy (all 72 lbs of his shortness) got his first love letter this Valentine's day. I came across it in his backpack. He doesn't even know I read it, but he did tell me he got a Valentine from a girl. She has it pretty bad! It helps that he's not interested, but I was swooning all day after coming across it. SO adorable! :001_tt1: I wanted to send this young lady a letter and say 12 year old boys are clueless. LOL.

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