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Question about MMR vaccine and Rubella


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This seems like a long shot but ... Does anyone know if its at all possible to catch Rubella from the MMR vaccine?


All my children have been vaccinated. The youngest has had one MMR and a couple weeks ago my second youngest got his second. We've had ongoing sicknesses of various descriptions for a few weeks now (starting before the doctor visit) but seemed on the mend until youngest DS had a mild fever last Thursday with a bit of a runny nose and my second youngest had a mild fever the next day. Monday morning, DS the youngest woke up with red spots on his face and upper body, the next day they were fading from his forehead, larger on this cheeks and had showed up on his legs. Now his face is almost clear but they're still fading from the rest of his body. He's been in great spirits with no other symptoms this week. Today his sister has red spots all over her! She said they were a bit itchy but it is apparently mild. I think I'll keep everyone in again this weekend.


Is there something else that could explain it? I'm only thinking Rubella because its the closest thing I've found to match their symptoms.


ETA (for anyone that might stumble on this later): dd was taken to the doc and he ruled out Rubella but wasn't able to diagnose what it was. It was figured that it was just related to whatever sickness we've all had lately.

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Well I think the MMR is a live virus vaccine, so I guess it is possible though very rare and unlikely. I'd call your doctor and tell them what is going on and ask.


With the live flu vaccine (nasal spray version is live vaccine) I was told to stay away from elderly and those with weakened immune systems for several days so I didn't give them the flu. Not sure if it works that way with MMR.

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Fever and rash are on the list of possible "mild reactions."




Is there one that didn't get the vaccine that is symptomatic?



The only one who got the vaccine recently doesn't have a rash (last I looked at him - he does have mild cold symptoms, though). The two who have it haven't been to the doc since last September.

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