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Can I keep some of it?

Chris in VA

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I think I feel it's rather selfish not to pass it on, or stupid, not to sell it. I am still too attached to the "dream" of homeschooling, one that simply isn't going to come true. I'm fine with keeping books that I may someday read to grandchildren, but TOG? Saxon Math? SOTW AG?

I just am having such trouble moving on. The curricula represents the dream, I guess. IDK. I finally dismantled the schoolroom a month ago. I cried the whole time. Isn't that sort of dramatic and silly?

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No, it's not dramatic and silly. You of all people know that letting go comes in stages. If you want to keep TOG, keep it. I fully plan on keeping some school items once ds graduates. I need something to keep my brain functional in old age - not that old age is here yet! At least that is my reasoning.


You are such a giver, you don't have to give it all away, not yet, maybe not ever. Keep something for yourself, you deserve it.

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Keep it! This is my last year, and I plan on keeping some of it. I use some of it now for my ps kids- if they have a question I can quick reference something or use it to refresh my memory on details I have forgotten. I used SOTW for dd's history homework this year, and have used R&S for quick grammar questions I couldn't remember. Some of it I just like, and won't let go of. I have hopes that someday my grandchildren will be homeschooled. Probably not, but just in case. :)

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Keep it. Old curriculum is great for reference and for ideas. I will guess your DD is still going to be educated? You never know when she might need to look something up or review some old fractions stuff or need an idea for a project.


You can always give it away later if you want.

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