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Logic of English, alone or with other curric?


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For those who use the Logic of English, do you use it alone or supplement with another curriculum?


I am beginning my second grade planning and will be attending a Homeschool Convention in April, so just getting thoughts together for what to look at in the vendor area.




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We bought LOE and Horizons 1st Grade, and have been doing Horizon's almost exclusively because by the time we finish Horizon's my 1st grader is DONE with phonics. But I want to just use one phonics program and that will be LOE.


I have never seen Evan Moor 6 books.. I will check those out!

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Agree with the other posters -- you can totally use it alone for spelling and grammar, and for a student who really needs to focus on development of phonics/spelling you may not even need or want to use another writing curriculum.


That being said, I am really JUST using the spelling/phonics portion right now and not the grammar (or the writing exercises, since many of those are somewhat related to the grammar), and are doing Sentence Family for even more gentle grammar than what LOE provides. We're going to do a second run through Essentials next year with the advanced lists, and I may use the grammar portion then (still deciding). We also just started with a bit of gentle writing practice outside of LoE using Write On!. At the beginning of the year spelling stressed out DD so much she didn't want to write at all other than her spelling words, but as her spelling has improved she is actually asking to do more writing...but since we haven't kept up with LoE grammar (we're on lesson 27), some of the writing assignments are less doable for her since she doesn't have all the grammar knowledge that would be expected of her at this point.

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