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5th grade and spelling (cross posted)

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I posted this in the K-8 Curriculum Board by accident so I am also posting it here.....


I have a somewhat "natural" speller. She seems to keep the spelling of words in her brain from seeing them written in the books she reads. In a 5-6 sentence narration, she typically will have 4-5 words incorrect but usually words she has never spelled before. Once corrected, she typically remembers them for future use. She has a good grasp of most of the basic spelling "rules."


We have been using Sequential Spelling from day one. We are about halfway through Book 3. We just have the teaching guide so all we do for spelling is for me to say each word on the list for that day, she spells it, I correct as we go, and I keep track of the trouble words for future review. Dd hates it. She finds it boring. It takes up 15 minutes of each day and frankly, I find it boring too.


Anyone quit spelling at any point in the logic stage? I feel I have two choices. Continue on with SS or can spelling altogether and just work on words as needed when she writes. I am not a great speller myself so I fail to find the value in spending a lot of time working on it. In the age of spell check, it seems like a waste of time. I am published and have advanced degrees that required much writing and do not feel my spelling has held me back....other than to be irritated by all the underlined words that I am currently seeing as I type this post:)

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I really have no idea. As I have a dd who can't spell anything, I can't really relate. But....I have enjoyed hearing how your spelling "disability" hasn't diminished your success. :) I am a natural speller and constantly worry about my daughter's lack of spelling ability. You do not have to commit to anything. Try a year without a curriculum and see where you stand. You could also run her through a common word list like the one in Spelling Plus (1,000 most commonly used) and graduate her from spelling.

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With a "natural" speller, I would just work on it in the context of writing unless your child decides to compete in spelling bees (in which case I would recommend Hexco products). My DD won her iPad through the Macy's spelling bee and the kids who place at the Scripps National Spelling Bee can win thousands of dollars.

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