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Vacation is in three days and we have a good flow going :(


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Vacation is on friday. Me and DH are taking off to San Juan and the kids will be vacationing with their grandparents (visiting parks, going on hikes, etc.). I am quite excited but we are also just now on a great flow after the holidays, we implemented our new curriculum this month and have slowly increased our workloads across the board for all the kids and it is getting done... I am so scared we will get back from vacation next Thursday and it will be like starting back after the holidays :/


I am excited about the trip though, I have washed clothes ALL.DAY.LONG. and my house is currently that wrecked phase before it gets all put back before you run out the door for vacation. That happens at your house before a trip, doesn't it?!


I suppose this is a vent?! LOL

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