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I thought I could slip out of February under the radar...

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Traditionally the most challenging hs month for us, I thought I would clear February with little trouble. Things were looking good, I was feeling optimistic.


Then, today happened.


Arguing, complaining, disciplining, redirecting, negotiating. I swear, my kids sometimes wear. me. out. Then I get upset and they look at me like, "What's wrong with you?"


Oh, March, wherefore art thou????

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It has been so rainy here that my kids are driving me freaking CRAZY! If they can't get outside they fight all. day. long. Usually March is consistently in the 60's here, but the forecast is 40's through the weekend, boo! I need warm weather and sunshine.







We've had rain and clouds the entire winter. Very few sunny days and pretty much no outside time as it's soaking wet outside. A few times my son has played in the mud and water, but it's in the 50's and 60's so it's a bit chilly for that. Hence very little school in Feb and very little in January. We are supposed to have a dry sunny week this week so we're feeling a little better.


Can't wait for summer...

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We just had a baby on February 2nd and the month has been one big blur. He's our last little surprise and I have done nothing but hold and love him. I'm trying to just soak him up because we wont ever be doing this again. So this february was good...no blahs here. :) I'm almost sad for february to be over...that means my newborn will be a month old. I don't want him to grow up so fast. :(

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