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Economics in a Box vs. Notgrass Economics

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I am planning my 11th grader's senior year and trying to weigh some of our options. Dd has used MFW high school since 9th grade and is completing US1 this year. We were also involved in a co-op (last minute decision) where she took a Government class using Notgrass text instead of using the books scheduled in MFW US1. Co-op has not chosen classes for next year, yet, though it looks likely that one of the classes might be American History OR Economics. I would like to continue with MFW for 12th as dd has enjoyed the other programs. However, I am looking at cost. :/ Notgrass Economics is substantially LESS than EIAB. Could anyone compare the 2 or tell me why spending more than 3x as much on EIAB is worth it? Everything is so up in the air as co-op hasn't chosen classes, BUT the 2102 prices over at MFW ENDS on the 1st. :( I have to decide whether or not to order the entire program or just parts of it. Thanks.

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I have Econ in a Box.. but haven't used it yet. long story but we bought US2 from MFW too early. anyway... for US2 package.. it is only going up by $4. so if you aren't sure by the 1st of march... it's ok. It's not going up a lot. don't rush over $4.


I haven't compared Notgrass Econ to EIAB... but Econ in a Box is think tank style. It's more than one author or opinion, although the authors fall in the same kind of conservative, free market. Econ in a Box has a definite Christian flavor, but does not have a "biblical study on finances" (that's covered in personal finance in mfw stuff). Notgrass has a book of collection of readings, but from the style of it, I don't get the idea it is the same kind of reading and mix. although, I'm gently smiling over here... looking at the reading book in Notgrass Econ, one of the articles was written by a professor I had in undergraduate days. LOL. giggle. Murray Weidenbaum. sigh.. I remember that class. that was a fun class he co-taught with Senate Tom from MO. they'd go at it.. sorta... not really. but it was fun to watch them. and the page guy that worked for the Senator. one snap of fingers from Senator and that page ran for coffee. I don't remember much in that class. senior year... common law marriage of gov't and business..


anyway... uhmm... uhmm...

There is plenty of reading in Econ in a Box and several videos too.


I'm looking forward to doing the class with my daughter next year. I had this dream to do it last summer for myself, but had to do other studies and things. I wish the cost were less on that item. it seems a lot, but I'm liking what's in there. with the videos and readings and books. and planning...


not much to go on , but excuse to say hi and wave to you!

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Waving right back! I didn't recognize your "handle", Crystal! Here I'm reading away and wondering who this person is and then I see it's you! Big smile. :001_smile: Hope you are having a great year. We're having a great year with US1...even my 9th grader. (Remember we decided to have him join big sis using US1. He's really keeping up wonderfully! Anyway, thanks for your input with EIAB and really neat that your old prof. authored one of the articles in the Notgrass text. Small world. I've got to say, I am leaning toward Notgrass b/c of cost. We took a few big hits to our finances this year (it's always something, right? lol) and my homeschool budget for 2013/14 was cut in half (more if I can swing it). God knows and I know He has this all under control. I'm not stressing. I'd LOVE to stick with MFW til the end, but perhaps He is calling us in a different direction. Thanks, Crystal. Always appreciate your advice. :)

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mfw considers Economics an elective (sells it separate as well as included in package). So, if you use something else in place, it's ok and will be easy to sub out. you can finish out history, English. maybe buying a little here and there.. something will work out.


I have wondered how y'all are doing with the group approach in US1. I've found myself way more involved in this year's teaching and instructing than I expected to be. So even though I wouldn't suggest a 9th grader who is oldest to jump in at this level.... I know in your case, with group teaching with older and younger sibs... and some involvement with teacher... I've been way more involved this year. I bet Julie would giggle at me.

I'm even considering the idea of next year my 12th and 9th grader doing Econ together with me overseeing it. I don't know anything about economics... I took classes in college and you can see what I remember from the two famous people who instructed (the guy I mentioned in article was in Reagan's cabinet.. and the other guy ran for VP one year on ticket with the other party). and what do I remember? nothing. LOL.... people took the class because they were famous.


what was I saying? oh yeah... my kids.. thinking that I want to teach Econ in a Box or at least supervise it a bit more, and do both of them the same year. Part of that is that I already did the optional video download from their site, and don't want to keep that for another 3-4 years or try to deal with it then.... maybe I should pester that company to get those in some other fashion. but yeah... I sorta plan to try to see if my 9th grader can sit in on the class with us. and who knows? maybe in 12th grade, she'll need a refresher course and do notgrass? I don't know... I'm just rambling at this point.


but.. all of that to say... if you couldn't get the MFW US2 program for some reason.... keep doing the BJU chapters to finish out. Use the patterns/methods/ideas that are in US1 with the first part of the book. just keep going. You'll want to do something for English.. the second semester is when the speech/applied communication is done, so you might be able to get that later or something.... well, actually, it's not sounding all that easy to do it without the manual.. I just freaked myself out... eek... doesn't take much for me, huh?


but yeah.. you might consider not getting package for US2, but only get the parts you need, and sub out Notgrass. both are semester courses.

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Thanks, Crystal. I enjoy listening to you ramble. ;) I wasn't nearly as involved with the TLAC as I had planned to be. Did my kids get as much out of it as they could have? Probably not. :/ But, we had quite a number of good discussions and it is what it is. Both my high schoolers had speech with their co-op. I was very pleased with the opportunities they had as part of the co-op. Anyway, I'm leaning toward Notgrass, as I said. We are going to continue reading through the BJU text next year on our own. Dd doesn't really need another Bible credit and so we won't use that, either. I'm sad to not continue with MFW, but know this is the right thing for us now. I hope it all works out for you next year. :)

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