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how would you react to this?


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I posted on here before how my 16 year old nephew recently started smoking and drinking. It broke my heart to find out because out of my sister's 3 kids, he was the last one I would have thought to do anything like that. One time he came home, high and/or drunk and was throwing up in the kitchen sink. All my sister did was make him clean it up. No punishment, no telling her DH, nothing. FYI, my sister started smoking, doing drugs, and drinking at 13 and knowing her like I do, she isn't going to take what her once straight A student son is doing now as anything serious.


Tonight my nephew came home from hanging out with his friends and his father happened to look out the window and saw my nephew smoking. When he got in the house it was obvious my nephew was high (most likely from pot my sister said). Thankfully his dad was there to witness this and my nephew is now grounded. My BIL is a former drug user and current drug counselor so I'm really hoping he lays into my nephew hard because it's obvious my sister isn't going to.


Anyway, I happened to look at my nephew's Facebook page and saw that one of his friends posted this (about 2 hours after my nephew came home):





Don't drink and drive they don't say anything about cocaine, meth, marijuana,and crack you know happiness


I told my sister to look at it and basically she had no reaction. If I saw that on my 16 year old son's Facebook page I would have most likely said something to the kid that posted it and then I'd probably get in touch with his parents. But that's me and I tend to be strict.


I'm curious as to how you all would react to something like this on your child's Facebook page.

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