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need low carb ideas for eggplant


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I have one in my fridge I bought on a whim. I also have a japanese eggplant as well. Need suggestions on how to easily make it into food, lol. Emphasis on easy, please. And I don't have a lot of other ingredients around...staples like butter, coconut oil, some good cheddar, chicken, peppers, onions, cucumbers, sour cream, half and half, frozen brocoli and cauliflower....that's about it. Oh, and a can of diced tomatoes and a few cherry tomatoes and plenty of garlic.

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Well, there's always grilled eggplant. Sweat it, then oil and season it and stick it on the grill.


I've made low-carb eggplant parmigiana before. I googled around some paleo websites to find a recipe.


You can also make low-carb "pizza crust" out of eggplant. I know I have a recipe bookmarked around here somewhere. Hang on a minute...

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Look for the Joy of Cooking Ratatoullie. Incredible. I'd link if I could.


ratatoullie is actually the only thing I've ever made with it, lol. I saw how to make it on Avec Eric once at 2am and now I do it all the time. But I would love another way to make it. baked with parmesan sounds lovely.

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I am also leaping into eggplant adventures this weekend, dragging my food-conservative family along with me.


I plan on trying an eggplant lasagna recipe this weekend that I found on Food Network.



Since I am making the sauce myself, I can keep the carb count down. It doesn't look to hard and the only weird ingredient was ricotta cheese. If I don't make it to the store by Sunday, I will just substitute mozarella.


My family is skeptical, but they survived spaghetti squash, so I have high hopes.

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Slice it in circles, fry it, then make a sauce of garlic, tomatoes, jalapenos, white onions, cilantro and olive oil to put on top. (add salt and pepper to taste) We usually eat it with pita bread.

Or make baba ganoosh: roast it on a grill or on a gas range, peel, mash the pulp, add in crushed garlic, salt, lemon juice and tahini (sesame paste). Top with olive oil and dash of paprika and eat like hummus with whatever low carb options for dipping (we use pita bread).

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Do you have curry powder? I often cube eggplants and toss them in the crockpot with a can of diced tomatoes, tons of curry powder, and whatever other veggies I have (usually peppers). I let the whole thing cook and add a generous amount of butter or olive oil. This is great hot, and I also eat it cold with hard boiled egg mixed in.

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Do you have curry powder? I often cube eggplants and toss them in the crockpot with a can of diced tomatoes, tons of curry powder, and whatever other veggies I have (usually peppers). I let the whole thing cook and add a generous amount of butter or olive oil. This is great hot, and I also eat it cold with hard boiled egg mixed in.


I DO have curry powder, quite a bit actually. And I was just thnking I could eat some curry...I might make some with the chicken thighs I have in the freezer and some veggies.

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