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how do I convince my 12 year old daughter....


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that I do understand things when she expresses them to me? I mean, whenever she has a problem with something, she tells me and if I either don't have the perfect answer or I don't side with her "I don't understand". What do I do with this??



Most recent example: she has a scab on her face, she picks on it. She can't seem to keep her hands off it. No matter what I say, no matter what suggestion I give, either I "don't understand" or she has a reason why that won't work. But this also applies when she tattles on her brothers and I don't take her side...."I just don't understand"....I can repeat exactly what she said to me and yet "I don't understand"...HELP me!!!!

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I've noticed that my kids often just want me to listen and not give advice (much like I want DH to just listen to me). ;)


Maybe you could try not giving any advice for awhile (unless it's a serious health or safety issue, of course) and just say things like "I can see why that bothers you" or "That sounds difficult". Just mirror her emotions or feelings back to her without any advice or judgment of the situation on your part. My kids are younger, but I use this quite a bit and it's amazing how quickly they calm down and get over whatever is bothering them - just because they feel understood. They seem to feel much more heard and understood if I just empathize and don't give any advice or solutions.


Again, I don't have a 12 year old so I'm sure it's more difficult when the hormones kick in. Just wanted to share this approach as I've really noticed a positive difference when I use it with my kids. :)

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LOL.... I think I'm going into old lady mode! I'm sitting here looking at my youngest child who is 15, and thinking, I don't remember her ever acting like that. When in reality, all of my kids at 12 were completely and totally irrational, barely tolerable, obnoxious, grumpy, reducing me to a screaming maniac...etc, and she was the worst. But now, a mere three years later, I can't even remember (oh wait, one instance just came to mind... :cursing: ) ok, I can barely remember that relationship. Now we have the new improved relationship which is really pretty nice. So hang in there!

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that I do understand things when she expresses them to me? I mean, whenever she has a problem with something, she tells me and if I either don't have the perfect answer or I don't side with her "I don't understand". What do I do with this??



Most recent example: she has a scab on her face, she picks on it. She can't seem to keep her hands off it. No matter what I say, no matter what suggestion I give, either I "don't understand" or she has a reason why that won't work. But this also applies when she tattles on her brothers and I don't take her side...."I just don't understand"....I can repeat exactly what she said to me and yet "I don't understand"...HELP me!!!!


Just say, "Yeah. You got the short end of the stick...stupid mom and all. Must be tough for you." Then walk away.

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Honestly, I do try to let her know that I have been there in as many things as I can.


I let her off of school on those really emotional days when I can see she just cannot cope-- but not with the " just go" attitude, more like "I see that your hormones are making it hard today-- why don't you just take a break"


I do a lot of "I understand" and then I bore her with a related incident from my childhood-- where my mother did such and such or my best friend was "just awful"--


I still get the "you don't understand" -- but really just when I refuse to listen to her during an emotion- charged argument. I do listen when she calms down.


I also do some pampering--- "go take a hot bath-- that always make me feel better when I am upset"


You need to start treating here like a female--- you know use stuff like baths and chocolate and little notes/gifts.

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