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Second Grade Plans


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I dug and dug and didn't see a thread for second grade! :) So what is everyone doing?

Here's our plans for now:

1. LA: LLATL Yellow
2. Science: Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space (a co-op class)
3. Math: MUS Beta
4. History: SCM module 5
5. Art: Adventures in Art
6. Physical Education: gym at co-op weekly

ETA: We'll also be doing a Bible Study this coming school year, but I'm not sure what yet. I'm also trying to decide if I should do EtC 6 with her (I already have it) or just stick with LLATL.

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I was looking for one too.

Our plans:

History:Sonlight B and Veritas Press OTAE
Science:Apologia Flying Creatures
LA: WWE 1, FL 2, Pentime Transition, Spelling Workout B, Wordly Wise A/B/C
Math: Singapore SE 3A/B
Art: Coop, maybe something else
Music: piano lessons(hopefully)
Gym: coop, gymnastics and ballet

We'll start our new year the first full week in June.

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We're starting in September. I'm mostly keeping everything from this year; I've been happy with all but SOTW :/

Language Arts - FLL 2, WWE 1, How to Teach Spelling/How to Spell.

Math - 3A (although it may be finished by then since it seems to start with lots of review), 3B Life of Fred, and possibly challenging word problems. Trying to let go and not plan this too much, since he really seems to be in the midst of a math feeding frenzy right now and I know the pace will change.

Art - Artistic Pursuits Book 2. We did pretty well this year with 1x/week art.

Music - going to get my piano tuned and teach that :)

PE - sports league (soccer in the fall, basketball in the winter, baseball in the spring)

Bible - Telling God's Story 2

History - Not just continuing on from last year. I have no idea what to do, though. I am thinking of getting A Living History of our World Vol 1 and doing that along with SOTW 3 for the next two years. Or I may shelf world history completely and focus on US History. His eyes glaze over when SOTW comes out and it's very frustrating.

Science - Elemental Science, Biology. This will be a new science program for us. We did McRuffy and it was nice, because it was open and go, talked about things the kid liked, and didn't require him to think very hard. Next year I'm willing to put in a little more work and get a little more out of it (and I'd like to put a little LESS into history, since we aren't getting much out of it).

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We're doing 2nd grade this year and having a good time with our choices:
English - FLL, WWE, HWOT Cursive, SWO, Editor in Chief
Math - Horizons
Bible - Explorers
Science - Apologia Astronomy
History - Adventures in America (from Elemental Science)
Geography - Maps, Charts & Graphs
Reading - Sonlight, lots of American History readers, Christian LIberty Nature reader
Music - concert choir
art - Atelier and outside classes
P.E. - summer swim team and year-round soccer

We're taking a break from the history cycle with all the kids this year to focus on American History. Adventures in America has been a good fit for this wiggly dd. She likes the notebooking pages and the brief reading. We've read most of the read-alouds and suggested readers too. Haven't done all the hands-on stuff, but she's enjoyed those we've done. I think she's getting more out of this than she would have SOTW 3 which is where we were in the cycle.

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We'll start 2nd grade in early August, and I think I've pretty much narrowed down what we will be using.

Grammar - FLL 2
Writing - WWE 2
Spelling - Rod & Staff Spelling 2 (switching from AAS to this)
Handwriting - A Reason for Handwriting B
Math - CLE 2 or MM - can't decide which one, but dd needs more practice than SM is giving her
Science - Elemental Science Earth Science/Astronomy and BFSU
History - SOTW 2
Geography - Evan-Moor Daily Geography
Art - Harmony Fine Arts w/ Artistic Pursuits
Music - voice/piano lessons
Bible - BSGFAA, Intermediate level
PE - through weekly co-op, plus gymnastics and/or soccer


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We'll start 2nd grade the middle of August.

Math - Singapore 2, Saxon 3, Life of Fred A-D

Science - Elemental Science Chemistry, McHenry's Elements

English - Primary Language Lessons, Pentime 2, Hooked on Phonics 5, Explode the Code 5-8

Literature - Memoria Press Storytime, More Storytime, Beatrix Potter, Mr. Potter's Penguins

World History - Galore Park Jr. History 1

American History - Pearson's History & Geography 4, Memoria Press States and Capitals

Foreign Language - Skoldo French 2

Outsourced - art classes, swim lessons and maybe tennis

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We do all content work together, with reading and output expectations adjusted for capability and maturity.

Math: Singapore, Life of Fred

Logic: Lollipop Logic 3

Language: WWE2, IEW (I scribe), ViE 2 (only because he requested it), Zaner-Bloser handwriting, Spelling Power, good books; continuing poetry memorization

Spanish: continuing with Rosetta Stone & conversational Spanish

History: SOTW 3, lots of good (age-appropriate) historical fiction and lit, handicraft projects to correlate

Science: continue inquiry science and tinkering, living books

Nature Study: continuing Desert Southwest Family Field Guide Project

Art: continue integrating with history using A Child’s History of Art, Art in Story, and Simply Charlotte Mason Picture Study Portfolios; applied art with whatever lesson plans DD comes up with

Swim Team

Drum lessons (Heaven help us all!)

I think we will also do a summer geography unit.

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We are in the middle of 2nd grade. Here is what DS is currently using:

McGuffey (2nd reader) for reading aloud and narration
Draw and Write Through History
SCM Genesis Through Deut. and Ancient Egypt (history, Bible, geography)
Morning Bells/Little Pillows devotions
SCM Scripture Memory
Apologia Zoo 2 (sea creatures)
Prima Latina (just started)
Family Time Fitness (also just started)
CM style fine arts and nature study
piano and HS co-op

Our read alouds have included: The Long Winter, Indian and the Cupboard, Life in the Great Ice Age, Pinocchio, All of a Kind Family, and A Christmas Carol

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[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=4][size=4]Here are our 2nd grade plans:

Math: Saxon 3, Tables/Squares/Cubes for drill, multiplication flashcards, Trivium Tables
Logic: Building Thinking Skills 1
Greek: Hey Andrew 2
Latin: LNST 2, Trivium Tables
Spelling: Spelling Plus (Level F and G)
Grammar: Essentials of the English Language and Dictation Resource Book, Trivium Tables
Writing: Pre-Scripts Sentences and Words, IEW theme based writing (Level A)
Reading: Literature list from Writing Road to Reading and Veritas Press, Teaching the Classics terms, McCall Crabbs Book A for comprehension, McGuffey 2nd Reader
Geography: CC Maps and maybe Draw Your World, Trivium Tables
History: Acts and Facts Timeline Cards, memory work, History Highlights, SOTW, Veritas Press
Science: Acts and Facts Science Cards, nature study, Lyrical Science, Janice Van Cleave's 201 Experiments book
Fine Arts: Drawing With Children, Foundations guide, Discovering Great Artists, Classical Music for Dummies
Bible: Veritas Press

Tons of living books and reference books to flesh all this out......Possible CC lapbooking using A Journey Through Learning and Wisdom and Righteousness in the summer, Homeschool Curriculum Co. Science units in summer [/size][/size][/font][/color]


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[quote name='Holly' timestamp='1361466110' post='4705473']
We are in the middle of 2nd grade. Here is what DS is currently using:

McGuffey (2nd reader) for reading aloud and narration
Draw and Write Through History
SCM Genesis Through Deut. and Ancient Egypt (history, Bible, geography)
Morning Bells/Little Pillows devotions
SCM Scripture Memory
Apologia Zoo 2 (sea creatures)
Prima Latina (just started)
Family Time Fitness (also just started)
CM style fine arts and nature study
piano and HS co-op

Our read alouds have included: The Long Winter, Indian and the Cupboard, Life in the Great Ice Age, Pinocchio, All of a Kind Family, and A Christmas Carol

Another SCM user! :) Have you used it this year as well? Do you like it? What about the guide specifically?

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For my dd who will turn 7 in the Fall:

Religion: Dad does Catechism and she'll be making her First Holy Communion on her birthday!
Math: She's flying at the moment so I wouldn't be surprised if we finish Singapore 2 and move into 3 at some point. She is really anxious for BA. We also do LOF.
LA: McGuffey 1 for copywork, dictation, vocabulary, handwriting, WRTR for spelling, poetry memorization
Science: Evan Moor Daily Science
History: SOTW 2 and Church History using something . . .
Music: Violin

She loves school so we may add more but my older isn't independent AT ALL so I'm loathe to add more to our day. She is a very self-directed learner so I may look for one or two other things for her.

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My dd will be starting her 2nd grade work this spring and will continue with these 4 days a week through the end of next school year minus summer break. This is the plan:
HOD Bigger Hearts
A Reason For Handwriting Cursive
R&S Grammar 2
R&S Spelling 2
SM 2a/2b
Finish Phonics Pathways/Reading Pathways. She is almost done with these.
ETC 4, and 5(Just because she likes it)

HOD Emergent Readers continue, switching to DITHR level 2 when ready.
Getting Started With Spanish
Artist and Composer Study, Catechism, and Nature Study with everyone as a group.
Apologia Young Explorers with dh and ds. They are finishing Swimming Creatures right now, and will start a new one after that.
Swim Lessons and Soccer.

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I'm currently planning for oldest DD's 2nd grade (next year):
Math: SM 2 + CLE
Reading: BJU 2
Phonics: ETC
Spelling: BJU 2
Science: biomes/habitats
History: world geography
Literature: world myths/stories
Art: Geography through Art, 1-2-3 I Can (Draw/Print/Collage) series
Grammar/Writing: BJU 2
Bible: CLE Bible finish 1, start 2
P.E.: YMCA homeschool class 1x/week

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language arts-wwe 1, fll1, aas2/3
math-math mammoth 1B then onto 2A
reading-we should finish opgtr! then on to mcguffey and sl readers

with his brothers
world geo/us history
science-nature studies and chem?
lit-good books, maybe fiar
would like to start drawing with them

catechism and piano with dad

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Math: Singapore 3a/3b with Beast Academy
Language Arts: Leaning towards WWE 2 and FLL 2 but not sure yet
Phonetic Zoo A
Science: 2nd half of BFSU vol 1 (with 4th grade brother)
History: RC History vol 3 / SOTW vol 2 (with brother)
Religion: Faith and Life 2
Art: Artistic Pursuits?
Foreign language: ?
Music: maybe finally formal piano lessons. We're unschooling composers at the moment.

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Here is what I have planned for my daughter who will technically be 2nd grade in the fall:

Religion: devotional of her choice, SOAP Bible study, Character Quality study using www.characterjournal.com and memorizing Bible verses that go with each quality

Math: Math Mammoth blue series

Language Arts: memory work from Living Memory, copywork of memory work selections to continue cursive practice using www.worksheetworks.com, Writing Road to Reading for spelling, WWE style of writing using our own selections, I just ordered All Things Fun and Fascinating from IEW, KISS grammar

Latin: continue with Getting Started with Latin (not sure what we will do when we finish)

History: Mystery of History with some added books/ supplements

Science: Magic School Bus DVD science

Piano lessons

Art: she chooses a handicraft to work on (currently cross stitching)

at least 30 minutes of free reading per day, read aloud practice using McGuffey readers, and read alouds after lunch and/or in the evening

I am also going to attempt some parts of either FIAR and/orBeyond Five in a Row with her when we have extra time in the afternoon

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Tentative 2nd grade plans, mostly a continuation of what we're already doing:

math - Singapore (currently on 2B)
language arts - daily reading, Bravewriter, All About Spelling (currently on level 3), maybe Sentence Family
science - BFSU
history - SOTW (just started vol. 1)
foreign language - Getting Started with Spanish, maybe SSL
art - Artistic Pursuits, art class
music - choir
gym - gymnastics

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For my 2nd grader in the fall....

Bible - continue with MP's Christian Studies 2
History - Middle Ages - CC's cycle 2, MOH 2 w/ selections from AO year 2
Science - CC cycle 2
LA - Maybe - AAS 2/3 ? if we can keep doing it w/ white board and marker and nothing else (ugh), maybe Logos Beginning Lit. guide, undecided about grammar - possibly FLL 3,
Math - CLE finish 200 (if we don't finish it this spring) and start 300
CC Foundations

Extras - Chess, maybe basketball and piano

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DS will be continuing with [b]Latin[/b], with LC1 or Henle's Latin Grammar as our core reference.
[b]Math[/b] will continue with The Verbal Math Lesson 2 then on to whatever the next book is plus some MCP and/or MEP 3 I guess or more Miquon (we follow a skills and knowledge progression more so than a specific book - a mix of living math, drill and worksheets).
[b]Language Arts[/b] will continue with narrations and cursive copywork and dictation with spelling and grammar taught explicitly as needed in context and using either Scripture or CW Aesop.
The [b]world history[/b] focus for the year will be ancient civilizations, especially Egypt, and we will continue memorizing the CC timeline and doing some [b]American history[/b] reading (books undecided). I also still need to find an appropriate [b]SE Asian history[/b] resource.
[b]Geography [/b]will include mapping amongst other things (puzzles, games, books, maybe CM's geography that I have here somewhere).
[b]Science[/b] will include CC memory work, some BFSU1 stuff maybe, astronomy and botany and nature study (various resources).
We will also have a heavy [b]modern foreign language[/b] focus thanks to necessity.
Oh and [b]literature[/b]! With so many little ones we are still very much immersed in nursery rhymes, fairy tales, Aesop, etc. but DS will be extending into myths, children's versions of classics, etc. this year (specific books undecided).
We'll also continue our Bible memory work and reading, catechism, study, devotions, learning hymns, reading biographies of the saints, etc. .. More so than typical even because the children will be without their usual Sunday school this year.

It's only so wordy because I don't (and won't) have a tight book list. Sorry! I know my way of "planning" and doing things makes my true Planning friend twitch but it works for us. :D

Oh my I forgot [b]music[/b] and [b]art[/b]! I will be learning and trying to teach the tin whistle this year, we'll do a bit of composer and picture study but mostly for art I'll probably just have DS teach me to draw. lol (I do have a book that we might learn some things together from :p)

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Math: SM 2A/2B and MEP 2
Spelling: AAS 3
Grammar: FLL 2 and maybe GWG 2
Writing: WWE 2 and WWW 2
Handwriting: ZB 2c
Reading: Continue to work through OPGTR as review, SL Readers 4-5
History: TOG Yr. 2 / SOTW 2
Science: RSO Earth and Space
Art: Artistic Pursuits as well as Home Art Studio
Music: piano
P.E.: Family Time Fitness (about 2 lessons a week) and continue with Figure Skating

I am thinking about maybe starting a light introduction to Latin using Getting Started with Latin. A couple of additional goals for 2nd will be adding a free reading time in addition to the required reading, as well as doing a better job with memory work. That is my plan thus far, but life happens so we will see where next year will take us :) !

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Not sure yet when 1st grade will end. But we bought these ready to go for 2nd. After almost buying Memoria Press and loving Ambleside , I went for something in the middle!

MFW Adventures
Primary Language Lessons
MUS Beta
Song School Latin
R&S spelling 2
Christian Liberty Press Nature Reader

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[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][size=4][color=#b22222]I have a second grader this year, and my youngest will most likely do second grade next year...Here is our second grade plans (what we are doing this year and what will continue with my younger next year)...[/color][/size][/font]

[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][size=4][color=#b22222]Phonics/Reading - Rod & Staff 2 and Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading [/color][/size][/font]
[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][size=4][color=#b22222]Math - Rod & Staff 2[/color][/size][/font]
[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][size=4][color=#b22222]Spelling - Rod & Staff 2[/color][/size][/font]
[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][size=4][color=#b22222]Grammar/English - Rod & Staff 2[/color][/size][/font]
[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][size=4][color=#b22222]Health - Rod & Staff 2[/color][/size][/font]
[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][size=4][color=#b22222]Science - We do Rod & Staff Science, but I will most likely either switch back to Elemental Science (which I loved) or drop the subject for now[/color][/size][/font]
[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][size=4][color=#b22222]We will also listen to Story of the World 2 on CD...[/color][/size][/font]

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We've just decided to homeschool our youngest next year. It will be similar to what my son does this year:

[b]Math[/b]: MEP w/ Life of Fred (which she loves)
[b]English[/b]: Probably Barton just to make sure there are no gaps in her reading. Possibly AAS
[b]Literature[/b]: Sonlight Read-Alouds
Latin: Song School Latin, possibly Prima Latina
History: SOTW
Science: BFSU
[b]Spanish[/b]: Visual Link
Typing: Read, Write, Type

Thats probably about it...I try to keep to the basics or I get overwhelmed and feel behind. I bolded the things we absolutely will do consistently. The rest are gravy as far as I'm concerned :)

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Ah, I've been looking for a 2nd grade thread :)  Is everyone still more of less doing the same? 


Here is what I have planned for DD6 so far:


Reading/Phonics: Noah Webster's Reading Handbook, Harriet Taylor Treadwell's Second and Third Readers. Many books after that depending on her level. She enjoys the Magic Treehouse series, so she'll probably be enjoying it next year.


English: Serl's Primary Language Lessons (PLL) and Natural Speller


Math: Math Mammoth 2A and 2B


Literature Read-Alouds: Little House in the Big Woods, The Blue Fairy Book, The Railway Children, Tikki Tikki Tembo, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, The Mouse and The Motorcycle, Stuart Little


Reading: Living books


Natural Science: Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding (BFSU), Christian Liberty Nature Readers 1 and 2


Nature Study: Nature Connection and Nature Smart


History: Story of the World (SOTW) Volume I: Ancients plus Activity Guide ad relevant historical fiction and nonfiction


Spanish: Rosetta Stone Spanish, Muzzy Spanish, The Easy Spanish Jr. K-3, Duolingo


Penmanship: Penny Gardner's Italic: Beautiful Handwriting for Children and/or Getty Dubay Italic Character Italic


Poetry: Poetry for Young People Series: Edna St. Vincent Millay and Robert Frost (with Son)


Music: Piano, Usborne Introduction to Music


Art: The Usborne Introduction to Art, focus on Ancient Art

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I'm currently planning for oldest DD's 2nd grade (next year):
Math: SM 2 + CLE
Reading: BJU 2
Phonics: ETC
Spelling: BJU 2
Science: biomes/habitats
History: world geography
Literature: world myths/stories
Art: Geography through Art, 1-2-3 I Can (Draw/Print/Collage) series
Grammar/Writing: BJU 2
Bible: CLE Bible finish 1, start 2
P.E.: YMCA homeschool class 1x/week



WOW, I'm pretty sure this old thread was pulled up just to SHAME ME, LOL!

We did NOTHING I listed above.  Not a SINGLE thing.   Zip.  Zilch.

We ended up with:

BJU 2 math

Dancing Bears Phonics

Spelling - AAS 1-2

no real science or history, outside of self-led library check-out

a random drawing book

no grammar, Just Write for writing

Bible - a unit of BSGFAA, a picture Bible


Oh, oh!  We *did* do our PE class.  Yay!  I wasn't a total flake!   :hurray:  :party:

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Science:     SCIENCE IN THE BEGINNING by Jay Wile  found here  got the book, love the hands on and Dr. Jay Wile has some videos on you tube of the experiments.


Math:         Finish alpha MUS, and start Beta


LA:             Rod & Staff 2nd grade English


Latin:         Some Prima Latina, trying to combine with English


History:      Mistery of History with Story of the World activity pages


Geography:  Wondermaps to match Mistery of History


Bible:       Who am I? from Apologia here


Memory:     The 10 commandments from Exodous 20


PE:             At co-op


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We didn't have a second grader this year so I don't know why I had plans posted.  My REVISED second grade plan from here on out is:


Saxon Phonics 2

Saxon Math 2

Spelling Plus (and related books by same author)

CC Foundations 

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Math: Saxon 3

Phonics: Saxon 2

Writing: Finish IEW PAL Writing, begin the next step in IEW

History: History Odyssey Middle Ages

Science: Real Science Odyssey (Earth & Space), Constellations Activity Book, and possibly an Usborne-based curriculum centered on Space, and playing rock bingo

Geography: Top Secret Adventures supplemented by the library, Map of the Whole World (to draw the world)

Spanish: Flip-Flop Spanish (book 2), supplemented with games

French:  Flip-Flop French (book 1)

Chinese:  through local Chinese school, or Better Chinese on our own

Latin: Song School Latin, Minimus

Music: Piano

Art Appreciation: art cards from Usborne; supplemented by public library

Art: Home Art Studio, Usborne What Shall I Draw?

Gym: Swim & Gym at the local university

Computer: Windows 8 for Dummies; Microsoft Office for Dummies


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WOW, I'm pretty sure this old thread was pulled up just to SHAME ME, LOL!
We did NOTHING I listed above. Not a SINGLE thing. Zip. Zilch.
We ended up with:
BJU 2 math
Dancing Bears Phonics
Spelling - AAS 1-2
no real science or history, outside of self-led library check-out
a random drawing book
no grammar, Just Write for writing
Bible - a unit of BSGFAA, a picture Bible

Oh, oh! We *did* do our PE class. Yay! I wasn't a total flake! :hurray: :party:

Aah! I didn't 'realize it was THAT old! Thought it was this year's, but I guess we're not in 2013 anymore duh! Lol
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