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Some days I just don't want to do this anymore.

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We're there as well today.

I haven't killed him yet.


He's putting away laundry, then we're going to do some read aloud and cuddling, then try to do more academics.

If it doesn't work then, I'll reconsider chaining him to his desk.... Or tossing him out the window.... I like to keep my options open.

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We're having a bad day here too. I can tell it's February! My K student was doing really well until she ran off to play and never came back. I let her go because my 4th grader was acting like he had never seen a fraction before in his entire life and he needed LOTS of help today. Math amnesia was combined with whining about being cold, being hungry, and having a runny nose. I'm thankful that we have a field trip scheduled for the end of the week.

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I wanted to post about this earlier, but didn't know what title to give my thread! Both dc have been threatened with ps today! It was an awful day! My dc have no excuse, either, because the weather has been beautiful and we've been out plenty! I am just SO frustrated today! I know they're better off here, and I know I don't want to stop homeschooling, but MAN they make it tempting!!!



Yeah, that's how I feel. We did fun things last week and they had yesterday off. No reason!! Oh well, hoping for a better day tomorrow. I'm putting them to bed early though :thumbup:

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Some days I just want them to go to school because I know they wouldn't act that way in a school setting. In the end I know they are better off at home. This behavior really bothers me.



Yes, I know what you mean. I was feeling the same way a couple of weeks ago. It's public school vacation week here, and I have decided to give the kids the rest of the week off.



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I just mentally re-calculated why we can't afford private school the other day. LOL It seems I will be doing that every February. It really does hit me big time in Feb. Around Christmas I felt we were doing pretty well, then we had the break and had a really hard time getting back to schooling, we finally made it and now it's... February. Oy.


Hopefully you will start feeling better as you think about wrapping up the year in the 3rd and 4th quarters, like I usually do. Just in time to also think about what the plan is for next year. lol :svengo:

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Urgh. My sea of good days has turned south, and I'm finally recognizing it after a month :mad: . Awful awful awful. Ds has turned into a zombie. When it started, I was nice, empathic, gave him more hours of sleep, off days, etc etc. Now I'm ready to burst :banghead: . Back to rigid rules of discipline in my house!

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You mean it's not just me??? I tend to turn the fury on myself though. I've been moaning to DH about how terrible I am at all this for two weeks now. Poor guy. Yesterday I felt like I had three hopped-up cats instead of three children; today was better, but we did more chores and less school today. What does that tell us?

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My dd10 was crying because she didn't know how to use an apostrophe! I was like :banghead: ! Just take me away now!



Thank you for the laugh! We had the exact same issue here- my ds doesn't know the difference between a comma and an apostrophe. He was so frustrated, and I was just shocked that every.single.thing had to be an issue today.


Overall it was a good day though, I LOVE homeschooling. It's nice to come here and know that everyone has rough days (or rough Februarys).

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Sounds like February...I know how it is. Every February is like that around here.


I think I need to check my calendar and see if every month says February...


Did you see SWB's new video? It happens to the best of us! I take a day off to work on discipline issues, spend time outside or have fun. Threatening to put them in p.s. works for mine lol!


I've officially reached the point where I can no longer use this advice b/c I'd be taking way too many days off!

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Urg. I am with u all! Both kids moaned a lot of the day, and i was so tired of it. We decided at the last minute to go see a wildlife presentation amd visit the linrary to get graphic novels on Perseus and Odysseus. Then i had to work for four hours but rewarded myself with a frozen yogurt (or should that be called "bowl of butterfingers and oreo crmbles with a squirt of frozen yogurt so i can call it healthy" treat?????)


Why do the NLE and the NME BOTH have to be in March!?? I just want to skip school for two weeks!

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Maybe they're just having a growth spurt or need a break? My dd went back to bed this morning, slept till past 1pm, and woke up happy as a lark, ready to work! Sometimes you've gotta let up. We work them pretty hard, and it's February, the hardest time of the year. I remember being so gleeful about snow as a kid, and my dd saw the snow this morning and got all depressed, lol. She just wants spring. :coolgleamA:

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Oh yeah. I hear ya! Is my youngest one 18 yet? No!?!?! Crap!


Maybe we should all just stay in our jammies, eat chocolate and watch Downton Abbey reruns while the kids eat junk food and Phineas and Ferb reruns. We could call it unschooling and hope anyone who hears us say it has no idea what unschooling really is.


Maybe we should just send them to inner city schools for a while so they realize how good they've had it all this time.


Or maybe should all just start drinkin' or somethin'.


Any other great ideas? Preferably ones involving kilted men.....

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I halted school today to deal with lying. One student lied about completing an assignment. When I asked to check it, the child argued in circles about whether I assigned it, whether s/he completed yesterday's today or today's yesterday, etc. :cursing: When I got my hands on the book, this child tried to argue that the completely blank page was, in fact, complete. I pointed to each and every blank on the page and asked, "Did you complete this?" "Yes." :banghead: It went on this way for at least 10 minutes until said child finally broke down crying and we had a lesson in lying, confession, forgiveness and other right vs. wrongs.


We finally completed school when Dad came home. I've got 3 kids. Yesterday was #1's day to refuse cooperation, today was #2 and I can guess who will be obstinate tomorrow. It'd be one thing if they all got it out of their system and we lost a day, but it's somebody new every day.

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Okay, so in order to get today off on the right foot, i am letting the kids read til 10 am. Younger made pancakes for the whole family, a messy but delicious ordeal. Then we are going to do read alouds: Oxford History of Ancient World, some mythology stuff, and Story of Science. Then older will do his Latin work, and HOPEFULLY we will get to go to the beach before he has piano at 2 pm. I don't know though, as the beach is 25 minutes away. Anyway, we are going to "produce" less work today, and mostly just sit and cuddle and read. I hope that will "reset" our brains.


Oh, and younger is skipping afterschool today, I have moved my patients, and we are going to watch a movie together and eat junk food on the couch. He asked to spend some alone time with me, so that's our plan :)

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Okay, so in order to get today off on the right foot, i am letting the kids read til 10 am. Younger made pancakes for the whole family, a messy but delicious ordeal. Then we are going to do read alouds: Oxford History of Ancient World, some mythology stuff, and Story of Science. Then older will do his Latin work, and HOPEFULLY we will get to go to the beach before he has piano at 2 pm. I don't know though, as the beach is 25 minutes away. Anyway, we are going to "produce" less work today, and mostly just sit and cuddle and read. I hope that will "reset" our brains.


Oh, and younger is skipping afterschool today, I have moved my patients, and we are going to watch a movie together and eat junk food on the couch. He asked to spend some alone time with me, so that's our plan :)




I was up, well, I didn't actually sleep last night, so I was up terribly early. I let the girls go ahead and watch the Just So Stories videos we got from the library. But now it's 3 hours later and Rebecca still has grammar, writing, and spelling before lunch. Sylvia is twiddling her thumbs (actually reading).

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We had a bad day yesterday too. Work still got done, but in a fairly miserable atmosphere, as twin babies were both still sick and fretful after a long night of the same, and DH was sick enough to stay home from work, which I can't remember the last time that happened. At least he could hold a sick baby as they both tried to snooze on the couch.


Erica in OR

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