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Question regarding Zaner-Bloser & WWE

Guest SJK

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Since both programs are recommended for writing, are they supposed to be used concurrently, and for how long, or drop the Zaner when we feel their penmanship is good? My dd5 has finished Zaner K and is starting Zaner 1, but we plan on starting FLL1 and WWE 1 next year for first grade. How long do I keep up the Zaner? Just through cursive...?



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we're doing both right now, though Zaner is just as extra practice when my son *begs* to do school and I have to work at the computer (he can practice writing independently). Though I could drop it since he can form letters pretty well, and i make him practice writing properly throughout all of the subjects (not to PERFECTION, but proper formation more than anything). I am going to have him finish the 1st grade book and then we will probably start cursive for second grade if i feel his manuscript writing is good enough, and he is ready. Otherwise, we will do the grade 2 book that is half cursive, half printing.

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