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Latin Class after AP Latin

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OK, my oldest surprised me. He says that he's going to miss Latin, and would take some more after AP Latin. He'll still have another year of high school, and we don't have a college with a classics department nearby. I do have access to a Latin tutor who could do it, but he'd like a class. This probably means an online class. Ideas?

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There's lots of options, but one out-of-the box idea: would he consider ancient greek? It's got some of the grammatical features of Latin, and is a good complement, and would look outstanding on a college application (IMHO).

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Definitely check out The Lukeion Project Latin. Ds is in AP Latin IV this year wirth Mrs. Barr and took Latin III with her last year after a few years in Memoria press Latin. Ds is taking Latin II with Mrs. Barr this year. She is a wonderful teacher and does have a Latin V class. Both of my kids love her classes - even my previously Latin-phobic ds. Very organized, humorous, and always challenges the students. Her students' National Latin Exam grades are stellar. Highly recommended.

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FWIW -- Scholars Online only does Latin V for students who have taken from them before. Lukeion does not have a Latin V class on the schedule. They have only Latin IV (AP Latin). I do know a Latin tutor who will do it, or Veritas offers a "Christian Authors" class that we might work. Still looking though...

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