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Lego Mindstorms


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I have the educators bundle that I got from HSBC a few months back. Is this something I should be able to use without any programming or robotics background? Or do I need a crash course?


I would do this with 3 boys, totally casual setting...how long should I realistically plan for this?



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In a laissez-faire manner, it could last a year. We have the normal version that you can buy in the stores. My boys just followed the manuals at the begginning than tweak the instructions to see how it works. We got our set just before christmas and have not tried out all the example models yet. The software that comes with mindstorm is kid friendly. So far I have not needed to help them.


We are using the manuals on this page http://mindstorms.lego.com/en-us/support/buildinginstructions/8527/Classic%20Clock.aspx

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