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So proud of dd today

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DD8 sent an email to her teacher this morning basically saying that she needed more challenging spelling words. Her teacher responded right away (like 7:45 am!) that they would speak in class more, but yes, she is very willing to differentiate her spelling lists more. I personally think it's awesome DD had the courage to ask for what she needed in school and am very proud of her :)



Okay- back to work I go. Maybe I should ask for a raise today?

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Good for her -You have every right to be proud! Our school does a "Super-Speller" program in the elementary grades. Every Monday a spelling pre-test is given. Any student that spells all of the words correctly is deemed a "Super-Speller" and they get a much more challenging set of words for the week. It's nice because each week every student has the opportunity to rise to the occasion. The top students in the class vie to become Super-Spellers every week. Why should children spend the week learning to spell words that they already know how to spell!

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wow, good for your DD and her teacher.

To be honest, with all the trash talks about PS from everywhere, I actually is having a great great relationship with my son's teacher. She really willing to bend the rules for different kids and I really feel she knows my kid. and like your DD's teacher, she always willing give extra challenge and she always response VERY VERY quick.

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