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There is a crazy woman living in my body!

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So, my sunday School teacher called me yesterday (Saturday) to let me know that he needed me to teach for him. I agreed, which gave me very little time to prepare a lesson. So, of course, I wasn't as prepared as I would have liked to be, and didn't feel good about the lesson. Then I go in to the worship service feeling bad about the lesson. Really bad - like to the point of crying! What is that?! Then, about halfway through the service, it is like a button is pushed, and the bad feelings aren't there anymore. I am really okay with the lesson. I mean I did my best with very little notice, right? I come home to take a nap, and wake up every few minutes thinking about what I should have done differently and mistakes that I had made. WHAT IN THE WORLD!


If course, the sermon today is from Acts 16. The pastor makes a point that it is okay to be irritable, but to control our reactions to others. All I can think is that I am a horrible wife, because I am irritable with my dh more often than I care to admit these days.


If this is what people mean about hormonal fluctuations, I have decided that I don't want any part of it. I'm done! Shoot me now! :glare:

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I am so there with you right now! I can't seem to pull out of this week-long depression. I got cranky with dh yesterday, the kids are driving me crazy, I'm starting school tomorrow and I think I'm having heart palpatations. I want to sleep all the time! Ick! Praying for us both! :grouphug:

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I am so there with you right now! I can't seem to pull out of this week-long depression. I got cranky with dh yesterday, the kids are driving me crazy, I'm starting school tomorrow and I think I'm having heart palpatations. I want to sleep all the time! Ick! Praying for us both! :grouphug:


You sound like I feel! So, I am not alone?! :D And thanks for praying! :)

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You sound like I feel! So, I am not alone?! :D And thanks for praying! :)


You are FAR from alone. I'm there with both of you. During my 30s I claimed that they were the best years of my life. Now in my 40s I STILL say my 30s were the best years of my life.


Between moodiness, strss, depression, and screwed up cycles (too long, too short, not there at all, happening before they are due...grrr! :glare:) I'm one mixed up lady.


These hormonal changes are NOT for the whimpy. And err...I'm a whimp, because I can't TAKE anymore! :svengo:

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3 words: natural. progesterone. cream.






Maybe it could help you like it's helped me. I've used it for one cycle and I had NO PMS. Dh and I did a double-take!


Try this site for info: http://www.johnleemd.com/


There's a quiz on there somewhere that can help you identify the source of your hormonal issues. I am so estrogen dominance!


Hope this helps!

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3 words: natural. progesterone. cream.






Maybe it could help you like it's helped me. I've used it for one cycle and I had NO PMS. Dh and I did a double-take!


Try this site for info: http://www.johnleemd.com/


There's a quiz on there somewhere that can help you identify the source of your hormonal issues. I am so estrogen dominance!


Hope this helps!


Thanks so much for the help! :)

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I was thinking pms as I was reading. Tell me it doesn't get worse later, please? It is all so unfair!!!


Oh yeah - it gets worse before it gets better. I'm telling you, I have these conversations in my head, that if said out loud could be reason for commitment to a padded room!


I went to bed last night and told my dh that I felt sad. He asked why. I said I had no idea why! So he then went on to tell me how having s*x releases endorphins, and would probably make me feel better! What a guy - he is so willing to sacrifice for me! ;) You can see why I love him, right?

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