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Exercise Thread ~ 2/10-2/16


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I walked 2 miles with my twins (well one of them only made it to the 1.5 mark before stopping at home). Not strenuous exercise for me walking at their pace, but at least it is moving. I have been trying to figure out what to do between the the 3 days of martial arts to keep me from being crabby and crawling out of my skin.

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Today I did CX Worx which is a Les Mills 30 minute core class followed by BodyStep.


I hadn't done CX in a while and there is a new instructor, I'm sorry to say she is pretty awful and that is a hard class to mess up! She was horrible at staying on the beat which was very surprising in the two tracks that had a heavy beat similar to Dubstep.

She team taught step a few weeks ago and wasn't good at that either, she actually had to stop teaching and switch with another instructor during the athletic circuit track because it was too hard for her. I'm not sure what the group fitness director was thinking when she hired her.

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I ran 4 miles today, then did a bit of yoga to stretch out. I start a new kettlebell program this week. I ordered http://www.amazon.com/Kettlebells-Women-Workouts-Strong-Sculpted/dp/1612430279/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1360541512&sr=8-1&keywords=lauren+brooks+kettlebell+book and I'm going to start day one of the program tomorrow. I'm still going to keep running and doing yoga, but my new focus is on getting strong. :)

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Short and Sweet Yoga #4- w/ Tara, certainly easier than the others w/ Travis. Very different, although she has a similar teaching style. Hoping to get in a short bodyweight routine this afternoon. I did a round of pull-ups yesterday, well I practiced negatives with my bands anyway- I'm working my way up :)

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There is nothing like trying on a swimsuit to crush your spirits. I am fit and have a low body fat, I don't spend a lot of time checking out my backside in the mirror but obviously I see my front which has nicely defined muscle. Not chiseled, not six pack abs but fit. After receiving a swimsuit I ordered I tried it on, checked out my backside, and had a mixture of emotions - shock, disappointment, frustration. Boo for swimsuits. :/ I've decided I need a better butt for aesthetics obviously but also because those are important muscles back there. Saturday I worked with some heavier weights than I am accustomed to and some different exercises that I normally don't do (but should!).


Ack, I'm sore today but I thought I should still work hard. I decided to go to BodyPump which I haven't done in about six months and it was quite a workout for me! I used to do it regularly and feel energized after, not so today. I followed it up with BodyStep and my legs were tired, wow. I can't believe that about a year ago I combined the two classes regularly about twice a week. I'm not saying that I feel less fit, I'm just not conditioned to Pump anymore or the combo of the two classes together. I anticipate being very sore tomorrow. My butt muscles hurt just sitting here. I am not normally sore in the booty so I must be working those muscles.


On Wed I have an appointment with the trainer I work with and he is going to show me some other exercises I can do to strengthen up my backside. I will let you know how it goes.


Here's to looking better from the rear and fitting into that swimsuit! :cheers2:

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Dressing room mirrors are cursed. No one should look at themselves in a full length mirror that close. It never fails, regardless of my size and condition I feel the need to lose weight after going shopping. I wouldn't even attempt a bathing suit these days. Shudder. Thank goodness we have awhile until swimsuit season here!


SJ I remember 'back in the day' taking 2 different exercise classes back to back, known for how brutal they were and then being ready for more. I'm not in that good of shape right now. However, I'm steadily improving here, that's something right? We all have to start where we are!

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Unfortunately I was in my bathroom, I don't even want to think about a dressing room mirror! The dimly lit ones are the worse as it seems to highlight every dimple, bump, and crease. Us women can be so hard on ourselves sometimes, and I know I am doing it to myself right now. My butt is probably fine but I want it better, kwim?


You are right soror, we are where we are right now and we are all individuals with different fitness levels, histories, and goals. Steady improvement is fantastic, keep it up! :party:


P.S. Thanks for making me feel a bit better :)

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yoga. I'm making a goal of walking an hour with a certain child 3x per week - so that will be added in too. the walking is for him, not me. I'm just praying that my body will handle it all.



Start slow and I bet you will be fine. Take the time to explore and enjoy your time with your DS. I hope it is a great experience for you both. :)

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gardenmom have fun on your walks, family walking and hiking are some of our favorite times!


Just did a 45 min walk here, preceeded by a short bodyweight circuit. 10 pushups-knees, 25 squats, 5 pull-up negative, and 5 hanging leg lifts. Wow. Sorry to find out that 10 pushups from my knees are a challenge at this point. I've been here before though and know with steady practice I'll improve quickly. My first goal is 25 from the knees easily, then 10 regular, 15, 20 and 25.

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Ran three miles on Saturday, took Sunday off. I usually don't run on Monday, but felt I needed to just get out today! When Mom is gone over the weekend, nothing goes right the first day back. So I ran about two miles today, maybe two and a half before I had to intervene in a creek-rock-tank war gone bad. I plan to take a hot soaky bath and ice my foot tonight. Better luck for me tomorrow.

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Have to start super-early this morning. Very busy day ahead. Will be doing 5 Miles of Leslie.


Just some of the many benefits of walking - nice and motivating :):


Walking is one of the best weight-bearing activities. The bones in your legs and hips are actually stimulated to grow. And if you walk briskly, the forces acting on your skeleton increase to double or triple your body weight.


25 minutes of brisk walking a day may help prevent menopause-related weight gain and headaches. Moving your body regularly can help to relieve PMS symptoms as well.



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I walked 5 miles Sunday. Our pace was slow and i had to cut off a mile because of the time.

Yesterday I did Yoga Booty Ballet Go Go. Today I did YBB Hip Hop I will alo do a 2 mile walk. My plan is to do YBB Wed through Fri with one or two additional Hip Hop Abs workouts.


This is only my second day of YBB. I don't like it as much as I thought I would. Maybe it I'll grow on me.

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soror, sounds like I'd like that Travis yoga dvd.


I didn't do anything Sunday or Monday. I got sick again from eating gluten. I went to a "gluten free" bakery. Yeah, not so gluten free. I was very sick Sat and Sunday and Monday I decided not to push my body. It was very hard getting moving today. My shoulders are on fire from inflammation. My digestive tract is not stable (how's that for a way to put it), I have no energy. All this from gluten. I cannot express how much I hate gluten. I am going to move to an island and ban all gluten so that I never ever am in danger of accidental gluten exposure.


So, Negin (or anyone else) any thing I can take/do to help with inflammation and lack of energy?



This morning I did Bob Harper 20 min cardio followed by a light Tracy Mallett 10 min ab.

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I didn't do anything Sunday or Monday. I got sick again from eating gluten. I went to a "gluten free" bakery. Yeah, not so gluten free. I was very sick Sat and Sunday and Monday I decided not to push my body. It was very hard getting moving today. My shoulders are on fire from inflammation. My digestive tract is not stable (how's that for a way to put it), I have no energy. All this from gluten. I cannot express how much I hate gluten. I am going to move to an island and ban all gluten so that I never ever am in danger of accidental gluten exposure.



If you find one, let me know. Whenever I've been glutened or soy-ed I usually just have to wait it out. Not fun. I'm sorry. I know how yucky that feels. The worst is that every time it happens I go through a sort of depression remembering how bad it was and there is always the feeling that "this time, it's not going to get better." Stupid of me to think that way, but it always goes through my head.


Planning on four miles here in about a half hour. It's sort of nasty, cold and rainy today, so we'll see how far I get.

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Kleine- sorry you got glutened. I don't have that severe of a reaction myself. I've heard some say probiotics helps or enzymes but I don't know. I do think you'd really enjoy the Short and Sweet Yoga.


Break day yesterday. I cleaned house instead. Planning to do Short and Sweet Yoga and a short bodyweight circuit today.

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Did most of NMTZ---had to skip one of the circuits and do an abbreviated cool down/stretch. I learned this morning that I would have to drive DS to the dentist. He didn't have enough time between classes to bike home for the car then bike back. Apparently I have all sorts of time :rolleyes:



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Short and Sweet Yoga #1- 30 min

Bodyweight Circuit- 30 squats, 15 knee pushups, 5 hanging knee lifts, 5 negative pull-ups w/ bands- I should do multiple circuits but I'm tired, so at least that's something. I'm hoping just to do 1 round for 3 days this week and maybe increase to 2 rounds next week.

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Monday: sick

Tuesday: off

Wednesday: 25 minute walk and stretching.


I have respiratory issues from radiation tx many years ago. I started digging online and found that is a fairly common side effect. It made me feel a little better, weird as that sounds. I get winded pretty easily and I have always dealt with exercise induced asthma. It may be an issue I have to always work around, instead of thinking it will miraculously go away. Thinking about the last few days has helped not get to overwhelmed about goals.

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I have respiratory issues from radiation tx many years ago. I started digging online and found that is a fairly common side effect. It made me feel a little better, weird as that sounds. I get winded pretty easily and I have always dealt with exercise induced asthma. It may be an issue I have to always work around, instead of thinking it will miraculously go away. Thinking about the last few days has helped not get to overwhelmed about goals.


You can't post things like that when my ds is scheduled for x-rays on Monday.



I did day 1 of BeFit in 90. Love that it's free.

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Sunday afternoon: 40 minutes on elliptical

Tuesday afternoon: 30 minutes on elliptical ; 15 minutes weight machines

Wednesday afternoon: 30 minutes on elliptical; 1/4 of those going backwards on elliptical. That was really hard! I had no idea. Then 15 minutes on the weight machines.


I want to begin free weights, but I'm a little intimidated to do it at the gym. That area is frequented by lots of fellas who are really into weightlifting. We'll see...maybe in a couple of weeks...


DH has wanted to go with me this week to work out which is a very good thing (he really needs it) but his schedule means that I can't do any of the classes I wanted to try (Total Toning, Kick, cycling). If I don't go, he won't go. But next week I should be able to do the classes.

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Kleine Hexe - Not sure if it will help, but I've had great success with decaf green tea (no sweetener) for inflammation reduction throughout the body. Just water and the tea bag in a glass. It will steep nicely at room temp. Or hot would work too. I drink it once a day, most days.


Jenn-If your tkd instructor is going too fast and furious, just let him/her know at the end of class. A good instructor will know how to teach to an all-belts class -- making the upper belts feel challenged, and yet not losing the lower belts in the process.


Sun - Walk; NMTZ

Mon - Walk; yoga

Tue - Walk; 2 hours of taekwondo

Wed - Rin30 level 2; taekwondo forms practice

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I have no energy. All this from gluten. I cannot express how much I hate gluten. I am going to move to an island and ban all gluten so that I never ever am in danger of accidental gluten exposure.

So, Negin (or anyone else) any thing I can take/do to help with inflammation and lack of energy?


I am so sorry :(. Give me a little time and I'll do my best to get back to you soon. Lots going on here and lots of stress that I'm dealing with. So far, 2013 stinks. But then again, so did 2012. Sorry to complain.


Hoping to do some Leslie this morning, but not sure if I can. Definitely will be going swimming in the ocean this afternoon. I've been doing that most days. Love the ocean and the pool.

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I did kettlebell Wed morning, and swimming in the afternoon. Negin, swimming in the ocean sounds very nice. Now I'm having happy thoughts about laying on a beach and listening to the ocean. I might have to use that during Savasana later today. :)


Later today I'm going for a run, then some yoga. Tomorrow is kettlebell, followed by a day of rest while I take my kids to a swim meet.

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No run today. Just walking out to the chicken pen this morning had the old legs complaining that four days in a row of running is TOO much! So today will take it easy and if it turns out sunny and nice (and it looks like it will) then I will go for a bike ride with the boys.

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Short and Sweet Yoga #1

Feeling tired today. Having a baby is exhausting at times. I hope to take a walk this afternoon as I hate to miss a chance when the weather is nice but I'm not really sure with how I feel right now. I do have a yoga class this evening I'm going too though for sure (barring emergency).

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Yesterday was 45 minute of a white/yellow belt class. I like that class. Today is another 1 hr mixed level and possibly a 45 minute white belt class. I might sit the second class out if the first one is too bad though. The boys have been begging to go to a white belt only class for a while now and I have to kill 3 hours with them so it will probably happen.


Jenn-If your tkd instructor is going too fast and furious, just let him/her know at the end of class. A good instructor will know how to teach to an all-belts class -- making the upper belts feel challenged, and yet not losing the lower belts in the process.



I think part of the problem with the instructor is that he has some naturally talented white belts in his class (myself, DD, and another mom). Unfortunately even though I can kick, block, and punch with the other levels, my endurance/strength stinks. I do feel he loses the littlest two in the class regularly, but that is probably more of an age thing than anything.

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