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Am I the only one who thinks Kate Winslet in the Titanic


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I liked her in the Titanic. But I hate that movie. As soon as it starts I start crying and I cry the entire time. And by the end I feel like crap.



I like Titanic. This is weird, but it bothers me a little that her head is so much larger than DiCaprio's.


Other than that, I like that movie. Maybe I will watch it tonight.

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I've never watched the movie. I remember it was on one time at a doctor's office and I was bawling. Awesome.


I know how it ends. I don't watch sad movies.



I have never seen it either. I suspect if I did watch it, I might feel the same. There are quite a few popular movies I've never seen.

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I saw Titanic in the theatre when it first came out. My best friend, who had convinced me to go, didn't speak to me for days afterward because I DIDN'T cry. I forget her exact words, but basically she thought I was a horrible excuse for a human being because I was so unfeeling. Lol. That's not it at all; I just thought it was a horrible movie (and I think Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio are perfectly cool actors).


We made up and are still best friends, btw. Now she just thinks I'm a horrible person because I wasn't affected emotionally by the Twilight stuff.

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I saw it when it first came out (and haven't seen it since). I actually liked Kate Winslet in the role, but what gave me a bit of an "ick" reaction was how incredibly young Leo DiCaprio looked in that movie. Their love scene gave me the creeps because he just looked too much like a boy in comparison to her IMO. And I actually like Leo DiCaprio. They just seemed mismatched to me in that movie.

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Well, honestly.... actors don't write the script, and rarely get much leeway within a role (especially with a director like Cameron).


And as far as her character in S & S, I suppose you might have a bone to pick with Jane Austen, and the brilliant Merchant and Ivory.


If you want to see some top notch acting, watch Heavenly Creatures.


Maybe you just really dislike her as an actress, or maybe she has trouble masking a crappy role (Titanic). I think you might be off the mark in S & S, but you are allowed to have an opinion and your own personal taste. :thumbup:

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I saw Titanic in the theater when I was about 5 gagillion weeks pregnant, I'm sure I bawled. I like Kate Winslet, I loved her hair in the movie. I think when James Cameron makes a movie it's less about the actors and more about the filmmaking and Cameron himself. Plus he was obviously a little than more obsessed with Titanic itself.



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Everyone except Kathy Bates came of badly in that movie, even Billy Zane... the clumsy lines James Cameron made that poor man say. *shakes head*


As for Kate, I liked that you can see stretch marks in the portrait scene. It was possibly the most human element in the movie. Low bar, I know.

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I think that it is a truly awful movie to begin with. Kate Winslet is a great actress but you couldn't pay me to watch that film again. I groaned and laughed when other people were crying in the theatre.


I was in 9th-ish grade when this movie was in theaters, and saw it with a co-ed group of classmates. I was amused while all the 14yo boys sitting around me were in tears! I couldn't figure it out. I'm not a very sentimental person, I guess.


That being said, there's a short list of Doctor Who episodes that are guaranteed to make me bawl. And one episode of Stargate SG1. Maybe sci-fi just resonates with me more.

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We haven't watched it again since we watched it with oldest dd. She liked it until the end, and then she said, "If that stupid girl had stayed on her life boat the boy wouldn't have died!" She then declared it one of the worst movies ever. I like Kate Winslet but oldest doesn't want to watch anything with her in it again. :D

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Hated Titanic, I agree with the poster who said Leo looked too young (I never saw his appeal until Inception where he finally looked legal), but I loved KW in Sense & Sensibility.



See, and I just watched Inception recently, and it was freaking me out that he looked so old! Not that he actually looks "old," but that he looks so much older than I had remembered him in Titanic.

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I cannot stand titanic. It's one of my kryptonite pop culture items.


And the music... by the 10th minute or so I want to break that tin whistle and flute into tiny sparkly repetitive pieces. I've had to play gigs with the guy who played all the melodies... he's a fine person but I cannot stand that cheezeball fake irish stuff.

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But what is worse than finding love, hooking up with a hot guy, and then watching a ship crack in half and him sink to his death? Oh and don't forget the part where you realize your fiance is even jerkier than you thought.


I'm just way too pragmatic for all of that.


She met Jack like 12 hours before the ship goes down. Yeah, he was a hot guy but that's it. I am not getting OFF of a lifeboat and climbing back ON a sinking ship to die with some guy I just met. No way.


Secondly, I would never throw a valuable jewel into the ocean just because I don't like the guy that gave it to me. I'd sell it and enjoy spending the money.


Thirdly, I don't get why everyone in the movie theater was crying. I mean, it's the Titanic. They all knew it was going to sink, right?



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I am among the few people who didn't like the movie. I didn't care when Leonardo DiCaprio died.


I was, however, quite heartbroken about the final fate of the necklace.



Me too! And that scene where he is painting her, I kept thinking about those female teachers who get arrested for having a relationship with their 17 year old male students. He looked like a child.


That movie is far too stressful, and losing the necklace just made it unredeemable :laugh: .


I don't like Leo, but I do like Kate. I think she's great.

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I didn't see the movie when it came out, and had no desire to. I decided it would be one of the weird promises I made to myself--I'd never watch Titanic, I'd never play putt putt golf, I'd never use a port-a-potty, or watch Gone With The Wind.




Well, now you're just talking crazy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ! I would actually like to watch GWTW while playing putt putt. And I assure you, Leo is no Clark Gable :001_wub: .


I would love to never use a port-a-potty again, but there have been a few times when it was totally worth it though :ack2: .

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I didn't see the movie when it came out, and had no desire to. I decided it would be one of the weird promises I made to myself--I'd never watch Titanic, I'd never play putt putt golf, I'd never use a port-a-potty, or watch Gone With The Wind.

Unfortunately, dh found an old dvd of Titanic last year. I thought KW was attractive, didn't understand why people said she was too fat, and was totally unimpressed by the movie. I much prefer, as far as sinking ship movies, Poseidon Adventure with Shelly Winters!


Oh yes, Poseidon Adventure much better. I've even sat through the remake a few times

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I'm just way too pragmatic for all of that.


She met Jack like 12 hours before the ship goes down. Yeah, he was a hot guy but that's it. I am not getting OFF of a lifeboat and climbing back ON a sinking ship to die with some guy I just met. No way.


Secondly, I would never throw a valuable jewel into the ocean just because I don't like the guy that gave it to me. I'd sell it and enjoy spending the money.


Thirdly, I don't get why everyone in the movie theater was crying. I mean, it's the Titanic. They all knew it was going to sink, right?


I don't cry easily, well unless I'm pregnant, which having just graduated from highschool I was not. However, when they locked those people in steerage and they showed the scenes of families preparing to die I bawled like a baby. Big fat messy cry sitting next to my crush in a crowded theatre. The reality just hit me and I was a mess. Leo and Rose did nothing for me.

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She's a good actress, but I never thought she looked the part. She was supposed to be 17, and easily looked 25. I think Clare Danes would have made a better Rose. She and DiCaprio had already worked together in Romeo & Juliet, and had chemistry going that Winslet and DiCaprio lacked. She looks so much older than he does -- it just doesn't work. plus she's supposed be be this drop-dead gorgeous woman, and I don't think she's that pretty. It has nothing to do with her weight (curves suit her) but more to do with her face. DH also doesn't see why so many people think she's hot.

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Again, it is ok to disparage the thin, I guess.


Oh good grief. I'm not disparaging thin people. I'm disparaging skeletal actresses with plastic globes stuck on the front. If that doesn't apply to you, I'm not talking about you. Try not to be quite so oversensitive.




Um, Mergath IS thin! I really don't think she meant any harm...

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